Thursday, June 19, 2008

最低賃金 (Hike in Minimum Wage)



最低賃金は、中央最低賃金審議会が目安を設定し、各地方の審議会が具体的な額を決める。円卓会議の議論はこの流れに大きな影響を与える。 円卓会議は、低所得者層の賃金改善などを議論する場として設置された。昨年末をめどに最低賃金の中長期的な引き上げ方針をとりまとめる予定だったが、労使の意見の隔たりが大きくまとまらなかった。



もうひとつは、雇用者の雇用環境は改善する可能性がある。アメリカの経済学者David Card and Alan B. Kruegerの有名な研究であるが、地域独占などにより、最低賃金が労働者の雇用を減らさない可能性がある。


My Opinion
A raise in Japan's minimum wage has been decided. Will it boost up employment? That's the question.

We have mainly two arguments about this matter.

(1) It reduces employment.
If minimum wage is up, the employers won't want to hire more employees. As a result, lower-wage employees can be unemployed.

(2) It doesn't reduce employment.
If minimum wage is up, the employers might increase the wage to hire more employees. As a result, lower-wage employees can be paid higher(according to David Card and Alan B. Krueger).

I am not sure if employment will be up or not by raising up minimum wage. Anyway, I wouldn't have to give a welcome to this policy change because it is not clear whether such a raise will raise employment.

(1) The Economics of Minimum Wage Legislation, George J. Stigler, The American Economic Review, Vol. 36, No. 3 (Jun., 1946), pp. 358-365

(2) Minimum Wages and Employment: A Case Study of the Fast-Food Industry in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, David Card and Alan B. Krueger, The American Economic Review, Vol. 84, No. 4 (Sep., 1994), pp. 772-793

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