Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spam Report

Today I had a spam report: This blog was reported as a spam.

This blog is neither for the purpose of hurting and insulting some particular people nor of blaming you for some particular, especially, political or religious, ideas.

This blog is for the purpose of giving you and me a nice and fresh opportunity of exchange of different opinions. Recently I've tried to give you some beautiful photos.

I hope anybody will talk to me about what he or she is thinking and interested in.

I might have had something to say or to show that someone doesn't like or feels bad about.

I would like to say to someone who reported this blog as a spam, "sorry, sorry, please forgive me. I know I am so ignorant!!"

I wanted to say that it was a great challenge to sound democracy and freedom of speech or idea, but now I feel so sorry about this happening. :(


Mark MacKay said...

I like your blog. Found it by accident. Doing research about suicide in Japan - suicide clubs, Aokigahara forest, contemporary culture in Japan. Designing a website for a new novel set in Japan that explores the idea of "mono no aware".

Taro said...

Thank you, Mark.

You know a difficult word,"mono no aware", don't you?