Friday, September 26, 2014

On 9.11.

Today it has been 13 years since September 11.It was as if it were the promotion of a new movie. I express my sympathy for the victims. Has something changed in the world since ever? Has terror reduced? Has the world been freer? Mubarak, Qaddafi and Kim Jong Il have certainly gone, but the world may have next Mubarak, Qaddafi and Kim Jong Il.

今日で9.11から13年が経つ。新しい映画のプロモーションのようだった。犠牲者になられた方に哀悼の意を表す。あれから世界で何が変わったか。恐怖は 減ったか。世界は自由になったか。ムバラク、カダフィと金正日は確かにいなくなったが、世界は次のムバラク・カダフィ・金正日を迎えているかもしれない。


ア メリカがシリアを空爆する模様だ。自民党は空爆の支援を要請されれば支援するのだろうか。

朝日新聞の批判も結構だが、これが自民党にとって集団的自衛権行 使の隠れ蓑になりはしないか心配である。

シリア空爆はスンニ派イスラム国の米国人殺害に対する報復であるが、シリア空爆がシリアを自由で民主的な国へと後 押しすべきで、果たしてそうなのか疑問だ。

かえってアメリカと世界にリスクを高めはしないか。この点が明らかでない以上、日本は支援すべきではないと考え る。

The US is to bomb Syria; Is Japan going to support the US?

LDP, its ruling party, is now harshly blaming the Asahi Shimbun, the main newspaper, for its false reports, but I am afraid that LDP may have a good chance to keep the Ashahi Shimbun from blaming it for exercising the right to collective defense.

The reason for the US bombard is a retaliation for the Sunni's Islamic State killing two American journalists, but, first of all, the bombing should really help make Syria freer and democratic.

It may rather risk the US and the world. In my view, as it is doubtful, Japan should hesitate to support the US.

On the Islamic State (ISIS)

The Islamic State, ISIS, lures Western young people.

They are looking for their own identity, or who and where they should be; Otherwise, they would never join such an activity.

ISIS comes and whispers, "What did your country do for you? Did you get a good job? good friends? Are you happy with yourself? If you are not, come and join us, and you'll be a warrior..."

Some people feel excluded from the community they belong to and can't find themselves in it.

When I heard of the Scotland independence referendum, I just wonder what a state is, what a nationality is; The key word must be 'identity', which means a feeling or a realization of who we are, and a state is, Benedict Anderson says, an imaginary community where the people can share a common value; Feeling that they have something in common, they realize their own identity.

However, some of them don't feel like that, they may be looking for what they ought to be in another world: Some of them seek themselves in Islamic or Christian Fundamentalism, others in Neo-Nazism or Communist Party. Fighting with ISIS seems to me that it is a kind of battle against ourselves and the modern civilized world where we live.


彼らは自分のアイデンティティ、自分は何者でどこにいるべきかを探している。さもな ければ、こんなことに参加しない。

イスラム国は近づき囁く。「お前の国は何をしてくれたんだ。いい職見つかったか。いい友いるか。自分に満足してい るか。そうでなければ、来ないか。勇戦士になれるぞ。」

自分の所属するコミュニティーから疎外されていると考える人もいるし、そこに自分を見いだせない人 もいる。

私はスコットランド独立の住民投票について聞いたとき、国家とは何か、民族とは何かと思った。キーは「アイデンティティ」に違いない。それは自分が何者であ るかという実感であり、国家とは、ベネディクト・アンダーソンの言う「想像の共同体」、共通の価値を見出す共同体である。人は何か共通のものを持っている と感じる時、初めてアイデンティティを実感する。

しかしながら、そういう実感がなければ、何者であるべきかというものを別の場所で探すかもしれない。ある 者はイスラム・キリスト教原理主義に、別の者はネオナチに自分を探し続ける。イスラム国との戦いとは、我々自身と我々の住む文明社会との戦いにも見えてく る。

On Recent LDP 最近の自民党

LDP (Liberal Democratic Party), the ruling party of Japan, depreciates yen, boosts up exports, and thus can receive a donation from the Japan Business Federation.

On the other hand, while LDP taxes general people, it never taxes Soka Gakkai, a huge Buddhist organization, though it makes as much profit as the major Japanese companies.

The reason is clear: The political party, New Komeito, a son of Soka Gakkai, buys votes by feeding the poor with welfare and becomes a vote-collecting machine for LDP.

LDP's Abenomics is, so to speak, a politics of medieval mercantilism and church (temple). I don't understand the conservatives who applaud them at all.

「自民党」は円安により輸出企業を利して「経団連」から献金を受け取り、庶民に増税し、東証1部上場企業以上に稼ぐ「創価学会」には課税しない。生活保護 で貧乏人から票を買う創価学会の公明党は、自民党にとっては強力な集票マシーンだからだ。アベノミクスとはいわば中世の重商主義と宗教政治である。これを 礼賛する保守の気が知れない。


大 学・短大中退8万人(読売朝2014.9.26)

中途退学(中退)者が7万9千人、全体の2%、その20%が「経済的理由」、30%が「転学」「学業不 振」を根拠に中退。


背景には「大学へ行 けない人が大学へ行っている」ということがあると思っている。

底辺校いわゆる「Fランク校」で教えても皆シラケている。私が教える予備校の生徒の方がはる かに熱心に勉強する。本気で教えるなら、東大・京大か上位の予備校で教えるしかない。日本の大学700校半分に減らし、専門学校へ交付金を回した方がよい かもしれない。

Bombing On Syria and Iraq

The US (and five Middle East countries) started bombing Syria and Iraq to wipe out the Islamic State.

I disagree.

Did the President Obama show any reasonable plan on how to end this bombing? The difficult thing to do in warfare is to end it: On the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, the General Yamamoto thought of ending the war in half year, but he couldn't.

To end that war, the US had to drop two atomic bombs.

My question is, whether the President Obama will take any critical measures equivalent to an atomic bomb. One New York guy replied to the TV, "people would be killed again.." This is an honest, fair and straight reaction. I am afraid whether Mr Abe and his LDP join the war with its end foggy and unpredictable.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Where would be best to be born? どこで生まれるのが最善か

The Economist ranks USA 16th, Japan 25th. Traditionally, the richer the people get, the happier they get. Certainly these top ten countries are also ranked almost top ten in the ranking of GDP per capita.

In this index, there's only one country of G7 ranked top ten, Canada, 9th, and less than half, 15 countries, of the 34 OECD countries in the top twenty.



The Coase Theorem: A Personal View コースの定理:私的な見解

When I was a child, I was very happy to be in my uncle's house. His house is larger than that we lived in and I could run around in his house. Soon I made him angry;"I gave you some tip and go play out". I got it and went out. The Coase Theorem says, "if trade in 'noise' is possible and costs little, it will lead to an efficient outcome regardless of the initial allocation of property." This theorem is applied to Carbon Emission Trading or so and my uncle applied it to me.

子供の頃、叔父の家にいることがとても楽しかった。叔父の家は我々の住む家より大きく、家の中で走り回ることができた。すると、叔父が怒る。「お駄賃やるから外で遊んで来い。」私は了解し、外へ出た。コースの定理によると、「騒音の取引が可能であり、かつその費用がほとんどかからないなら、当初の所有権の配分に関わらずに効率的な取引ができる。」 この定理は排出権取引などに応用され、私の叔父はこれを私に応用したのだ。

On Whaling 捕鯨について

I have never been asked about it, but let me comment a little on it. My opinion is, I don't care. It is Facebook, Line and Twitter, what is called SNS, that seem to play a big role to spread it; Some people on FB or Line watch whales bleeding in the pictures and write, 'Stop It!'. They don't care that cattle are bleeding before they have beef on the table. It's kind of mass psychology: people turn right and you turn right. They look like the Nazis and the Imperial Japan.


A Competitive Society 競争社会について

A competitive society, some people say, makes the people so selfish that they can survive it. However, Ito, Kubota, and Otake (2014) claims, anti-competitive school practice is rather likely to make the students 'selfish' and 'uncooperative'; Competitive society rather makes people more altruistic and cooperative.


Saturday, September 06, 2014

文系の時代  The Time for Humanities

Some people claim that science education is necessary for personal success and state prosperity; Science majors will earn higher than art majors. However, the data (PayScale Inc.) don't read that; Major doesn't matter. Edmund Phelps, a Nobel-prize winner of economics, states that education of history, philosophy and the like is rather important for the 21th century.


Friday, September 05, 2014

Happy To Be Born in Another Family? 別の家庭に生まれて幸せか?

In my opinion, whether you are happy or not cannot be judged by others. It is quite a subjective sense, or a personal view, not an objective one. 

Even though he or she looks happy, he or she is not necessarily happy. Luck is also an important factor for determining life; If I had been born in another family somewhere, I would be much richer and happier, or poorer and more miserable. 

Luck is a given one and no one knows what it is like, but how to use it must depend on us.




Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Restructuring and Finding Jobs リストラと再雇用

As the whole economy goes down, many companies will carry out restructuring. Soon will many go unemployed. 

I don't think it is a bad thing in the market economy, apart from many employees and their families. 

The main problem is whether the unemployed soon find new jobs. If it is difficult for one to find a new job as the other's employment is heavily protected, it must be a serious problem.





『一人あたりの所得水準について日本と韓国を比較した場合、1990年には日本の40.8%しかなかった韓国の一人あたりの所得は2010年には86.7%の水準にまで急上昇、12年、13年はそれぞれ89.1%、89.9%と伸びが緩慢になった。ソウル大学の教授が「韓国経済が現在の成長率のままでは、一人あたりの所得で永遠に日本を超えられない」と嘆いた』 サーチナ 2014/08/31



On Humanity 人間性について

The people of the Islamic State may actually be more humane than those of any other developed society; they may love their family, friends, neighbors and their own country more than anyone. 

Why do I think like that? As I read some psychologists saying that people can be kind as well as offensive to others, I came to think that the Islamic State and the Al-Qaeda are also human beings. 

Of course, I neither forgive nor appreciate them; I deny them all! However, if they are really humane, is just fighting with and killing them the better solution?

イスラム国の連中は実はどの先進国の人々よりも最も人間らしいかもしれない。彼らは家族を、友人を、隣人を、そして自国を誰よりも愛しているかもしれな い。

何でそんなこと考えるのかって。人が親切にもなれ、攻撃的にもなれるという心理学者の意見を目にしたとき、イスラム国やアルカイダもまた人間であると 思ったのだ。

もちろん、私は彼らを許さないし、評価もしない。一切を否定している。しかしながら、もし彼らが本当に慈悲深いのなら、彼らと戦い殺すことが より良い解決策なのだろうか。