Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Communist Still Alive?

There is still a communist party in Japan, the Japan Communist Party(JCP). Although there are now very few communist societies in the world and the most of them have failed, JCP is trying to pursue the realization of communist society in Japan. Certainly it is a small party, but is still alive. Why not?

Here's what they say:

For a Socialist/Communist Society
(15) In the next stage of Japan's social development, the task is to overcome capitalism and carry out socialist transformation and advance to a socialist/communist society. In the hitherto seen world, there has been no real socialist transformation taking place on the basis of the advanced economic and social achievements of the capitalist era. Working in a developed capitalist country to advance toward socialism/communism is a new historic task in the 21st century.

The key element of socialist transformation is socialization of the means of production, which transfers possession, control and management of the main means of production to society. Socialization only concerns the means of production; as far as the means of living is concerned, the right to private property will be protected throughout all stages of social development.

(17) A quest for socialism/communism is not exclusive to Japan.
The 21st century world will be an era characterized by an increase in currents toward overcoming capitalism and advancing to a new society. It arises from the sharpening economic and political contradictions and from popular movements in the developed capitalist countries; it arises from efforts to explore their peculiar ways to socialism in countries that broke away from capitalism; and it arises from the popular movements in many countries in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America that are unable to find their way for future economic development within the framework of capitalism, even after achieving political independence.

I want you to note the following statement:

The key element of socialist transformation is socialization of the means of production, Socialization only concerns the means of production; as far as the means of living is concerned, the right to private property will be protected throughout all stages of social development.

To have you consider the above statement, I'll take the following example:
You have a lovely car. You can enjoy driving with your friend by this car. Is it the mean of production? No, it is clearly the mean of living.

One day you are asked to use your lovely car to sell the products that your company produced. Is it the mean of production? Yes, it is a good contribution to your sale and profit and thus your company's production activity.

Here's the question: How can we distinguish the mean of production from the mean of living in driving your car? If you support JCP, I think you should answer the question clearly enough to make me understand.

I think it is impossible to answer the question. Because a private property cannot be socialized, or cannot be possessed by somebody other than its possessor; If your private property could be possessed by somebody other than you without your permission, it would not be yours, that is, it would not be called private property but public property.

Private property is excludable and rival in terms of economics and an executable and rival good can be defined a private property. In contrast, public property is nonexcludabe and nonrival. More roughly, your goods is yours. Everybody's goods is nobody's goods.

Socialization of any property has a critical problem. You can know it by seeing the books in your public library. In many books you can read in the library, some pages are underlined by pen, broken and messed so that you can't read. Why don't we use carefully the books in the library? Because they are nobody's books. If they were yours, you would read much more carefully and keep them clean.

If we want the books to be read more carefully, I will suggest the library take admission fee from the users. By taking the fee, the liblary can make the books partially excludable from careless readers. (What else do you think we should do to keep the books clean?)

Socialization of any goods and property is no better than robbing them of theirs. JCP can be said to have basically a critical contradiction. Although many people have been lured by communist ideology during the long span of the 20th century, nobody has been happy in a communist society even though many people in a capitalist society that permits private property are also unhappy.

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