Sunday, June 29, 2014

Problem Students

Mayor Hashimoto, whose comment was once said to be outrageous and offensive by the Department of the States of the US, advocates sending problem students to a rehabilitation class. School teachers are always forced to be criticized for imposing physical punishment on their students or for not improving their students' performances, and are now very careful of treating their students. For teachers to teach classes regularly and for students to attend classes safe, bad students have to be sent to another class. This can be needed, above all, for bad students.

橋下市長は、そのコメントがアメリカ国務省により攻撃的でアウトレイジだと言われているが、問題児を更生教室へ送ることを主張している。学校の先生は常に 生徒への体罰や生徒の成績が上がらないことに対して批判にさらされ、生徒の扱いに大変慎重だ。教師が通常に授業が運営できるように、また生徒が安全に授業 が受けられるように、悪い生徒は別の教室に送られる必要がある。これは、何よりも、悪い生徒のために必要な事だろう。


Kathy Matsui of Goldman Sachs says, if the labor participation rate of women could be raised to that of men, the GDP growth could be raised 15 percent. While the labor population is aging and shrinking, women are needed to keep the society sustainable. CEOs and companies tend to be applauded for accepting women as their top-ranking positions. However, it is true that someone has to play the roles that a woman has ever done before. Housework is the one. It is never counted as GDP growth, but necessary for us. I hear women should be free from housework, but I don't think every woman should take part in the labor market. Any policies should be necessary to get women able to work in the marketplace as they want to.

ゴールドマンサックスのキャッシ―松井さんは、女性の労働参加率が男性のそれに近づけば、GDP成長率が15%上がるという。労働人口が老齢化・縮小化す る中で、社会を 持続可能ならしめるには女性が必要だ。会社社長や企業は女性を重要な役職に受け入れれば称賛される傾向にある。しかし、これまで女性が担ってきた役割を誰 かがしないといけないのは事実だ。 家事もその一つ。GDPには計上されないが必要なものだ。女性を家事から解放すべきだと聞こえるが、全ての女性が労働市場に参加すべきだとは思わない。働 くことを望む女性が働くことができるような施策が必要である。

Toilet Papers and Global Warming

In the US I found that American people were really consuming a lot. Here's the example: paper towel (Left). Every public lavatory has this paper towel and I saw people using a lot. In contrast, it seems to me we usually use 'hand drier' (I asked TOTO what it is and they replied 'clean dry'). Paper towel is, an epidemiologist says, an effective way to stop bacteria from breeding and so is hand drier. While paper towel consumes a lot of paper, hand drier needs a lot of power. My question is, which is reasonable for preventing global warming?

アメリカで私はアメリカ人が本当にたくさん消費すると感じた。例えば、紙タオル。各公衆便所についていて、人々がたくさん使っている。対して、日本では 「ハンドドライヤー」が使われているような気がする。(私はTOTOに何ていうのか聞いたら、「クリーンドライ」と返した。)紙タオルは、疫学者によれ ば、バクテリアの繁殖を抑える有効な方法で、ハンドクリーナーもそうである。 紙タオルはたくさんの紙を消費するが、ハンドドライヤーはたくさんの電気を消費する。私の疑問は、どちらが地球温暖化防止に妥当なのか、ということ。

Women Magazines and Stock Prices

Stock prices will likely go down, stockbrokers say, when women's magazines take a topic of personal finance. AneCan says, "A Woman Strong in Money is Strong!", FRaU says, "Will Be a Woman Strong in Money!"


Friday, June 13, 2014

On Immigration 移民について

Yesterday watching the news on TV that reported that Mr Abe would welcome immigrants hereafter, I said to myself that I was for immigrants coming into Japan. Soon my mom replied she was against that. I think that Mr Abe's proposal is so reasonable that Japan will keep its labor force from decreasing, while many Japanese also get worried that more immigrants will rob Japanese of their jobs.

The government, on the other hand, is struggling to have parents raise more children by introducing tax deduction or something, but it's not always easy for working couples to have more children. Immigrants, in contrast, can soon learn to speak its language and likely to work harder. My mom asked, "what if a Chinese newcomer robbed you of your job?" And I replied, "if my students like him or her better, I am happy to leave."



On School 学校について

I have never been to good school. My high school, university, graduate school were all modest. Well, that means I was not a good student...

What I guess at while going round teaching schools is that eight or nine in ten students performing well are the ones of good school. Teaching good students is very beneficial to me because they care a lot and work hard.

On the other hand, students of modest school are modest as well. First of all, they are not proud of being there. I understand it well and it's the culture of such schools. Of course I can see good students in such schools, but it's quite rare. I understand that many parents want their children to go to good school. However, it's true that even good school never guarantees their success. Good people will succeed. Alas, let bygones be bygones. My conclusion is, school doesn't matter.


私はいい学校へ行ったことがない。高校、大学、大学院すべて中堅クラスだ。それは、つまり、私がよい生徒ではなかったということ。学校で教えていて思うのは、出来のいい学生の8,9人はいい学校の学生だ。 いい生徒を教えることは私にとって非常に有益である。 何故ならよく気を遣うし努力するからだ。

一方で、 中堅クラスの生徒は中堅クラスだ。彼らはそこにいることを誇りに思っていない。それはよくわかるし、そのような学校の文化である。もちろん、そんな学校でもいい生徒はいるが、本当に稀である。親が子供にいい学校に行ってほしいと思うのは分かる。しかし、 そんないい学校であっても子供の成功を決して保証しないことは事実だ。 いい人が成功するのだ。まあ、過去のことは水に流そうよ。結論は、学校なんて関係ない。

On Hiroshima and Emperor System  広島と天皇制

A political scientist Thomas Schelling once reasoned that Hiroshima had played a part to keep the long peace since WW2. The Emperor System, on the other hand, is thought to play almost the same part within the country. In this point there can be one thing that these two have in common: it is something that leads a pack of people into unity and order. It may be called 'fear' or something I don't know for sure. It is certainly by learning fear that we can learn nobility, importance of love, and how short life really is. No one is more scarey than those who don't know fear at all.


On Power Saving  節電について

Saving power has already been a big issue, especially since the Meltdown in Fukushima. If you are asked to save electricity, which slogan do you think works best or least?

1) Protect the Environment by Conserving Energy
2) Do Your Part to Conserve Energy for Future Generations
3) Save Money by Conserving Energy
4) Join Your Neighbors in Conserving Energy
(Levitt & Dubner, THINK LIKE A FREAK) 

Well, it may be too much to say that this goes well for your business, but in my experience asking differently will certainly make a big difference.


節電はすでに大きな課題であり、特に福島の事故からそうである。 もし節電を要求されたら、どの標語が最も効果的または効果がないだろうか。

4)みんな節電していますよ   ( レビット・ダブナーの最新刊から)


Saturday, June 07, 2014

On Gun Control 銃規制について

Yesterday's Yomiuri evening newspaper (04/06/2014) caught my eye: The root cause of Japan's being a gun-free society can be, a 400-year-ago military dictator, Hideyoshi Toyotomi.

In Japan no one shall possess guns and swords. Japan is said to be one of the safest societies in the world (Global Peace Index says Japan is 6th out of 162 countries). Dave Kopel of University of Denver says, "Hideyoshi decreed 'Sword Hunt' to ban possession of swords by lower classes. Since then Japanese people have been thinking that control can protect themselves and their society (Taro translates)."

I hear that fewer guns fewer crimes and it seems to me that Japanese people never doubt but believe it blindly, though it can't be cleared statistically. At any rate, I do not want to see people being killed with guns and I believe it's only we ourselves that can make our society safe and peaceful.

Postscript: Hideyoshi Toyotomi struggled to invade the Korean Peninsula and killed hundreds of Korean people. I do not think that he was a pacifist.


日本では銃や刀を所持してはならない。日本は世界で最も安全な国だと言われている。(ある指標では162か国中第6位で安全だという) デンバー大学のデイヴィッド・コペル氏は「秀吉は下級の人々の刀の所持を禁止する『刀狩り』を行った。それ以来日本人は規制が自分たちとその社会を守ることができると考えてきた」

銃がなくなれば犯罪が減ると言うが、統計学的に明らかでないのに、日本人はそれを信じて疑わおうとしない。 いずれにせよ、 人が銃で殺されるのは見たくないし、社会を安全で平和にできるのは我々だけだと、僕は思う。
