Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Four Legs Good, Two Legs Bad

By Paul Kennedy, Tribune Media Services, Posted 01/23/2009 at 4:00 pm EST

"Four legs good, two legs bad!" That quotation, as many readers will know, comes from George Orwell's great political satire "Animal Farm." It is the slogan invented by the pigs as they mobilize the other farm animals to revolt against their human owners.

Having four supports ensures that things are much more stable, balanced, assured; it is hard to knock a four-legged item down, whether it be a table or a carthorse. Two-legged critters are far less sturdy and reliable. (Of course, once the pigs gain absolute control and learn to walk on their hind legs, they reverse the slogan, as any good Leninist would. But that is a different story.)

Still, there may be a lesson to glean from this tale as we look at today's battered world economy, with no countries really escaping from the international financial credit crunch and the dramatic slackening of demand for goods and services, but some looking better than others.

If, as is the case, certain economic sectors have been hurt more than others, surely it is better to have one's national welfare based upon various sources of income, rather than just two, or even one.

I was provoked to this question when recently clearing away some older statistical data, and recalling how my interest in what makes for a healthy economy had been piqued some 20 or so years ago when I came across a World Bank table of national GDP per capita that showed that Switzerland and Kuwait, both at the top of the list, enjoyed almost exactly the same income per inhabitant.

Kuwait's high per capita income derived, of course, entirely from one source: oil. By contrast, the sources of Switzerland's ample wealth derived from at least four flows of earnings: its strength in banking, insurance and investment services; its array of high-quality (i.e. high-added-value) manufactures, especially engineering and pharmaceutical products; its income from tourism; and its highly protected and high-income agricultural sector. Four sturdy legs indeed.

Now, there are another 175 or more countries in the world that would have loved to have had Kuwait's oil revenues over the past few decades; yet it is fair to say that such an overwhelming reliance upon a single valuable product brings with it two great risks:

The first, to which we pay less attention, is the way in which a gushing new source of wealth has an insidious way of driving out, or weakening, other sources of national income.

Men no longer wish to work for traditional industries (fishing, farming, forestry) but for the oil industry. The vast inflow of oil income dries up prices, but, hey, that can be afforded. Foreign-made items -- automobiles, electronic goods, hotels, airports -- sprout up, but oil pays for it.

There are no gasoline taxes, and prices at the pump are artificially low. Unless national governance is strong and responsible, corruption reigns and the economy is twisted; just look at Nigeria and Venezuela today. Even Norway, with its traditions of public service and fiscal prudence, struggles to handle the "Midas curse" of a single flow of wealth.

The second risk is one we are more familiar with today: It is the peril of a sudden collapse of the world-traded price of your precious commodity. This was not just the case of the plunge in oil prices this past year but also of the value of almost all raw products -- bauxite, copper, timber, rubber and so on.

Many developing nations, their hopes raised by higher commodity prices, are now reeling backward. One might be pleased that such uncomfortable nations like Russia, Venezuela and Iran are hurting from the collapse of oil prices, but one can hardly be delighted at the profound cash-flow crises affecting numerous Third World countries; be careful what you wish for when you pray for a fall in raw-material goods!

Those nations whose economies rest upon four or more legs, and are inherently more stable, should also pay attention to the "Animal Farm" chant, though for a slightly different reason.

Switzerland, the model balanced economy cited above, is itself hurting right now because it allowed its banking/investment "leg" -- specifically the careless, massive investment actions of a few leading banks -- to have disproportionate significance, with nasty effects upon the country's reputation as a bastion of solid, respectable finance.

Even more sobering is the dramatic reversal of fortunes of the Republic of Ireland over the past two years. The "Celtic Tiger" has enjoyed many advantages over the past decades: membership in the EU and the Euro, a growing assembly/manufacturing base, a flourishing services industry, solid agriculture and high tourism.

But it has squandered much of its gain by a disproportionate tilt into reckless investment banking and a grotesque expansion into untenable property mortgages. In other words, one leg of Ireland's economic "table" grew so fat and so tall that it actually bent the table itself; right now, the crockery is sliding off the far edges, with painfully loud crashes.

Neither George Orwell, nor the rapacious pigs of "Animal Farm," were trained economists, but in their observation about "Four legs good!" I think they were on to something. What has been happening in today's epic financial turbulences should bring us all back to a few basic verities about life and money: Don't put all your eggs in one basket; cover your bets; seek, if you are a political leader, to get a grasp of your country's array of strengths and weaknesses; and avoid the fast-cash Midas curse, if you can.

What does this say to the world's most powerful economy, America's? The United States has entered the 21st century at a time when the longer-term global balances are shifting from a so-called uni-polar system to more of a multi-polar order; in that sense, there is no real contest over America's relative decline -- the power balances are always on the move.

Yet it is also true that the pace of that shift has been increased, unnecessarily, by years of excessive military actions abroad, a blatant disregard for sensible fiscal policies, and unbelievable stupidities in the real-estate/mortgage markets, all of which leave President Obama with an awful lot of smashed china that has fallen off America's twisted table.

But Obama also inherits a nation with a lot of residual strengths, if he can activate and orchestrate them. America is not a country with a singular dependency like Kuwait, nor is it as distorted by financial excesses as (help us) Ireland. It has enormous natural resources, from agriculture to energy supplies of various forms; incredibly favorable demographics, compared with those of any of the other big Powers; vast R-and-D and research-university strengths; and remarkable labor flexibility.

Of course, it has many domestic sores: the twin curse of poverty and under-education; blighted cities and weakened infrastructure; sclerotic, interest-influenced politics; and a landscape presently choked up by half-built McMansions and foreclosed condos -- not a pretty sight. The prospect is not grand. It is, also, not hopeless.

How any country, its leaders and its people respond to today's challenges will depend upon themselves, their insight, resolve and determination to make hard choices. Whatever they do, they might recall Orwell's pigs: having four (or more) supporting pillars is a better framework for a national economy than resting upon two legs, worse still, upon only one.

I like this article.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

One Success Model

When I watched TV, I felt like I touched on "the recent gloomy Japan":

One TV program covered an able salesman and his success story:

Ryu Murakami, a famous writer in Japan, asked him,

"Excuse me, what's your educational background?"

"I'm a high school graduate.", he replied.

It sounds like a success in his or her life has nothing to do with his or her educational attainment.

Prof. Otake, a labor economist of Osaka Univ., says the same as what I want to:

I was asked before, "what do you think is our next success model although now is almost at the end of the time of the success one, "the first-class school, the first-class company?" Then there seemed to me to be just only one success model behind this question.

Although actually there are different people, different values and different success stories even here in Japan, just only one success model has ever been believed in, I guess. This may show the cause of the gloomy days of Japan. (Translator: Taro)

That's what I've felt recently; When we feel depressed, our foresight could be narrower and we could get more pessimistic and thus more conservative.

If we had wider a variety of choices to take in such a gloomy situation, we would feel more relieved from a narrow mind and would think of our near future as much brighter than we ever expected. This post is the English version of it.







私は以前、アンケートで、「一流大学卒業、一流企業入社という成功モデルが崩れた今、これからの成功モデルはなんですか」という質問を受けたことがある。 その時、私はそのアンケート作成者が、単一の成功モデルしか頭になかった人なんだろう、と感じた。現実には、日本にも結構いろんな価値観があって、様々な 成功モデルがあるのに、単一の成功モデルだけを信じてきたのだと思う。実際、それが日本の閉塞感の原因かもしれない。


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Saturday, February 14, 2009

St.Valentine's Day

Here's a St. Valentine's day's chocolate!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009



日銀券とは別に政府自身が発行する「政府紙幣」の可能性を検討する自民党の議員連盟(会長・田村耕太郎参院議員)が10日、同党本部内で初会合を開き、政 府紙幣発行を提唱している元財務官僚の高橋洋一東洋大教授から意見を聞いた。高橋教授は25兆円規模の政府紙幣を発行し、景気対策の財源に充てるよう訴え た。2月10日 - 16時19分

2月7日8時5分配信 産経新聞

追加経済対策の原資として、政府紙幣や相続税減免付き無利子国債の発行を求める声が自民党内で強まっている。政府は慎重姿勢を崩さないが、麻生太郎首相 の盟友である安倍晋三元首相や菅義偉選対副委員長が後押しし始めただけに、議論はますますヒートアップする公算が大きい。2つの政策にはどのような長所短 所があるのか。そして推進派議員の思惑は-。(石橋文登)


 6日午後、党本部で開かれた「政府紙幣・無利子国債(相続税減免措置付き)発行を検討する議員連盟」の設立準備会合で、菅氏はこう語気を強めた。反麻生 色の強い「若手改革派」だけでなく、首相の腹心である菅氏が動き出したことに大きな意味がある。10日に正式発足させ、週1回の勉強会を続け、3月末まで に提言をまとめる方針だ。


 この2つの政策は、元財務官僚で竹中平蔵元総務相のブレーンである元財務官僚の高橋洋一東洋大教授らが提唱した。政府紙幣は、現行の日本銀行券とは別に 政府が発行する紙幣で、財政赤字を出さずにデフレ防止・インフレ誘導でき、経済活性化に効果があるといわれる。相続税減免国債は高齢富裕層の「眠っている 資産」を市中に引き出す効果が期待されている。



 6日の衆院予算委員会でも議題となったが、与謝野馨経済財政担当相は「取るに足らない話だ」、中川昭一財務相も「私の頭にそういう考えはない」と一蹴 (いっしゅう)した。首相も「(明治政府の)太政官札か? そういう話は昔からある」(2日)と冷淡に語っており、実現の可能性は薄い。



 一方、相続税減免国債については政府側も「かなり金融や財政に詳しい方もそういうことを言われているので、ちょっと勉強しようと思う」(与謝野氏)、 「世界の国々がどういう景気対策をとっているか。勉強の中でいろんなアイデアが出てくるのは結構なことだ」(河村建夫官房長官)と含みを残す。



2月6日8時11分配信 読売新聞


 伊吹派の伊吹文明・前財務相は、「マリフアナと同じだ」と断じた。「日銀以外に政府が紙幣を供給すれば円の価値が下がり、大変なインフレを招来する。議 論するだけでも国益を損なう」と指摘し、「政治家が有権者にマリフアナを吸わせ、いい気分にして票をとろうという意図でやってはいけない」と切り捨てた。

 津島派の津島雄二税制調査会長は、疑似通貨「円天」を使ったL&G詐欺事件になぞらえ、「下手をすると『円天』みたいなものを政府がやるという話にな る」と語った。高村派の高村正彦・前外相も「中央銀行の一元管理が大切なことは、歴史上人類が学んできた知恵だ」と強調した。


2月6日0時47分配信 毎日新聞

 景気対策の財源として自民党内で浮上している「政府紙幣」導入論に対し、5日の党派閥会合では反対意見が相次いだ。伊吹派の伊吹文明前財務相は「政府が 供給すれば円安になり、大変なインフレを招来する」と指摘。「人間は疲れると、酒に紛らわせることがある。政治家が有権者にマリフアナを吸わせて票を取る ことは絶対にしないでほしい」と同派議員に呼びかけ、菅義偉選対副委員長ら推進派を皮肉った。

 津島派の津島雄二党税制調査会長は「まさか、『円天』みたいなものを政府がやるというバカな話ではないと思う」と述べ、電子マネーによる巨額詐欺事件に 引っ掛け批判した。山崎派の山崎拓前副総裁は「私は無利子・相続税非課税の国債を発行し、眠れる民間資金の活用を提案している」と語った。政府紙幣は借金 を増やさずに財源を調達できるのが利点とされるが、麻生太郎首相はじめ政府・自民党内では否定論が大勢を占めている。【中田卓二】

2月7日8時33分配信 フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ

景気対策として浮上している政府紙幣や、相続税免除条件付きの無利子国債に対する議論が活発化する中、自民党の菅義偉(すが・よしひで)選対副委員長ら は6日、「政府紙幣・無利子国債発行を検討する議員連盟(仮称)」の設立準備会を開き、政策提案に向けた議論をスタートさせた。ただ、政府紙幣への反対論 は強く、実現するかは未知数だ。





2月6日21時49分配信 産経新聞

追加経済対策の原資として、政府紙幣や相続税減免付き無利子国債の発行を求める声が自民党内で強まっている。政府は慎重姿勢を崩さないが、麻生太郎首相 の盟友である安倍晋三元首相や菅義偉選対副委員長が後押しし始めただけに、議論はますますヒートアップする公算が大きい。2つの政策にはどのような長所短 所があるのか。そして推進派議員の思惑は-。(石橋文登)


 6日午後、党本部で開かれた「政府紙幣・無利子国債(相続税減免措置付き)発行を検討する議員連盟」の設立準備会合で、菅氏はこう語気を強めた。反麻生 色の強い「若手改革派」だけでなく、首相の腹心である菅氏が動き出したことに大きな意味がある。10日に正式発足させ、週1回の勉強会を続け、3月末まで に提言をまとめる方針だ。

 この2つの政策は、元財務官僚で竹中平蔵元総務相のブレーンである元財務官僚の高橋洋一東洋大教授らが提唱した。政府紙幣は、現行の日本銀行券とは別に 政府が発行する紙幣で、財政赤字を出さずにデフレ防止・インフレ誘導でき、経済活性化に効果があるといわれる。相続税減免国債は高齢富裕層の「眠っている 資産」を市中に引き出す効果が期待されている。



 6日の衆院予算委員会でも議題となったが、与謝野馨経済財政担当相は「取るに足らない話だ」、中川昭一財務相も「私の頭にそういう考えはない」と一蹴 (いっしゆう)した。首相も「(明治政府の)太政官札か? そういう話は昔からある」(2日)と冷淡に語っており、実現の可能性は薄い。


 一方、相続税減免国債については政府側も「かなり金融や財政に詳しい方もそういうことを言われているので、ちょっと勉強しようと思う」(与謝野氏)、 「世界の国々がどういう景気対策をとっているか。勉強の中でいろんなアイデアが出てくるのは結構なことだ」(河村建夫官房長官)と含みを残す。



Tuesday, February 10, 2009


2月10日15時49分配信 読売新聞



ワン券・ニャン券は1986年に発行され、流通残高は昨年9月で約700万円。1円が1ワン・ニャンに相当し、商品券のように購入する。ハッピーシール は85年に発行され、同組合の加盟店で100円の買い物をするごとに1枚もらえる。350枚集めると500円分の商品券になる。いずれも同組合加盟店のみ で使用可能。





地域通貨◆ ある特定の地域や対象に限って物やサービスの売買に使用される疑似通貨。地域社会の活性化や住民同士の助け合いを狙いとする。ボランティ アや地域の助け合いなど貨幣に換算できないサービスの交換方法として用いられる事が多い。対象や価値は様々で明確な定義はないが、全国で数百の事例がある とされる。

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

4 Lessons from Recession

What we always care is what lesson we can get from the present recession. A good article from the NY times caught my eye.

Tyler Cowen of George Mason talks to us about the social and cultural effects of recession. I just list the effects I think interesting:

(1) Stay-at-home effect
People spend more time on self-improvement and relatively inexpensive amusements (listening to the radio and playing parlor and board games).

(2) Health-care effect
Physical health seems to improve on average. People may take fewer car trips, thus lowering the risk of accidents, and spend less on alcohol and tobacco. They also have more time for exercise and sleep, and tend to choose home cooking over fast food.

(3) Lower-death-rate effect
The death rate falls as unemployment rises. In the United States, a 1 percent increase in the unemployment rate, on average, decreases the death rate by 0.5 percent. Another research finds that Australia’s suicide rate spiked in 1930, but overall health improved and death rates declined; after 1930, suicide rates declined as well.

(4) Prudent-generation effect
A generation that grows up in a period of low stock returns is likely to take an unusually cautious approach to investing, even decades later, the paper found. Similarly, a generation that grows up with high inflation will be more cautious about buying bonds decades later.

In other words, today’s teenagers stand less chance of making foolish decisions in the stock market down the road. They are likely to forgo some good business opportunities, but also to make fewer mistakes.

I also care Harvard psychologist Daniel Gilbert's point: people often have rosy memories of very trying periods, which may include extreme poverty or fighting in a war. I agree on this point. Many grandfathers talk proudly about their hardship like the world war 2.

However, a recession or depression is always severe to us.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

My recent face

It's my true face...

Monday, February 02, 2009

That's What We Need

Ben Bernanke is spreading dollar bills. We call it "helicopter money".

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Farmer's Stimulus Package

Roger Farmer of UCLA is famous for a researcher on multiple equilibria and indeterminacy. This area of study is on how an economy reaches an equilibrium and it should be possibly multiple, just not only one. Which equilibrium path the economy takes depends on people's psychology.

Farmer says, go back to Keynes and boost up people's mind when they face recession:

Keynes... was right on one point: In the real world; psychology matters for the behavior of markets!

Farmer suggests a new type of monetary policy:

Central banks control interest rates by buying and selling securities on the open market....(Central banks) pick an indexed basket of securities: one candidate in the US might be the S&P 500, and to control its price by buying and selling blocks of shares on the open market.

Moreover, Farmer puts emphasis on a role of expectation:

Even the credible announcement that a policy of this kind was being considered should be enough to boost the markets and restore consumer and investor confidence in the real economy.

I am... arguing that the government should stabilize a broad basket of stocks.

Farmer finally keeps a distance from what is called free market fundamentalism:

This policy would still allow poorly run firms to fail but it would not allow all firms to fail at the same time. Although the free market is very good at deciding how many left and right shoes to produce, it cannot prevent systemic risk that arises from the psychology of herd behavior. This is a job for Uncle Sam.

I agree with him! However, looking back on the stimulus package that the Japanese government is seeking, I feel somewhat nervous about the effectiveness of it.

Farmer on Monetary Policy

Roger Farmer of UCLA proposes a new style of monetary policy:

The Fed should target a stock market index in addition to its traditional role of setting the interest rate. My proposal allows the Fed to use variations in the fed funds rate to fight inflation and variations in the growth rate of a stock price index to manage confidence and select a high employment equilibrium.

A fiscal expansion is necessary in the current situation (large slump), but fiscal policy alone is not enough: A stimulus package large enough to restore full employment will increase the debt burden on future generations to an unacceptable level. The time has come to implement a new monetary policy for the 21st century.

He thinks a gloomy economy needs a confidence: people should feel they are getting better and wealthier in order for the economy to recover.

Many people feel bad in the time of recession, in which they always hear sad news(job losses, major company's bankruptcies and so on) and many may suffer from such hardships, so they need something bright for the future.

What is that? I don't know and I don't think you surely know. It is a socially psychological problem. He suggests we need a policy to boost up our mind and confidence and policy makers try to do it.