Monday, December 09, 2013

On December 8th and the History

How many Japanese and American people remember the day of December 7th(in Japan 8th)? 

Walking along the street, I usually hear right-wing guys crying out the cliche that the war was so right that Japan helped the world to be kept away from the control by the white people. It is no problem for them to make such a speech in public whether the speech is politically so biased or well balanced.  

As hearing such a voice again and again, I come to feel that it is a right statement and that another one is wrong. 

The important thing may be the lesson we can get from the past that it is a one-sided understanding of the history that should twist our perspectives of our life and world, and that should keep us from building the bright future.

何名の米国・日本人はその日を覚えているのか。街を歩いていると右翼の連中が、先の戦争は正しかった、日本は白人支配から世界を救った、という決まり文句 を連呼していた。 

何べんも聞くと、それが正しいように聞こえ、他の意見に耳を貸さなくなる。我々にとって重要なのは、凝り固まった歴史認識こそが、人生観、世界観をゆがめ、 新しい時代を築くことはできないという教訓ではないだろうか。

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