Tuesday, April 01, 2014

ICJ's Decision  国際司法裁判所の判決

Yesterday the International Court of Justice (ICJ) decided that Japan shall not catch whales in the Southern Ocean. Japan was reported to follow this decision. In this case, ICJ didn't reason that whale shall not be caught because whale is a very intelligent creature, but because whaling is an act against the treaty for regulating whaling that Japan has signed.

This decision will later lessen Japan's whaling in other oceans and, I guess, will likely give active environmentalists like Sea Shepherd a warrant to resist Japan's whaling. Anyway, though many Japanese fishery moan about this decision, Japan should research whales under the rule of law. 


この決定は、のちに日本の他の地域での捕鯨を減らし、シ―シェファードのような環境団体に日本の捕鯨に抵抗する保証を与えうるだろう。とにかく、今回の判決に多くの日本の漁業者が嘆いているが、 日本は法のルールの下で調査捕鯨をしなければならない。

1 comment:

Story Arcade said...

Hi, great reading your blog