Saturday, October 20, 2007

Oh, My God!!

This is not what I should talk here, but I want to talk: I wet my bed in this morning. Oh my god!! So I am ashamed and depressed today. It is the first time in around 20 years that I wet my bed. In this morning I had to clean my bed.

To be precise, I wet my bed a little. The main reason is, I guess, that I didn't sleep well last night (I read some textbooks last night).

Everyone, especially grad students, please be sure to get plenty of sleep. However, if I come to wet my bed every night from now on, I know that I have to see a doctor. Anyway I'm sorry to talk about that matter. I think that I should sleep well tonight.


FrostFire said...

Long Time no see, my friend!

In this short story, I know that you also have the problem of lacking enough sleep, and the problem for me is more serious. I fell ill last month just because of caring so little about my health and living a so irregular life. As a result, I had to stay in hopstal for 3 weeks. This is why I didn't visit your blog and talk with you this month. Now I've come back to school, nevertheless my body is still very weak that I have to postpone a dozen of my courses for healing. Before I went to hospital, I went to bed at 2 am everyday and my courses would take me over 50 hours (I mean I had to go to classroom or lab for that long time) every week. Thus, I would have only 7 hours do other things rather than study, so you can imagine how little sleep I could have everyday. Now I know that health is the most important thing. Without health, everything is nothing. I will not force myself to do everything as well as possible at cost of my health, especially in these few months. I will keep myself healthy before making any plans or doing any work in the future.

So, Taro, my friend. Always remember to keep yourself healthy! Have enough sleep everyday no matter how much work you have to do or how many textbooks you have to read. Sleep is the best medicine for health!

Taro said...

Long time no see,too, my friend, frostfire!

And thank you very much for visiting my blog, though you are not in a good health condition.

How is your condition? Seeing your comment, I'm worried about your health. You might say that you should worry your own health, but this is not just an affair of other people.

You had to be in hopstal for 3 weeks.It's a little too long. Are you OK in your class? Though you have a serious health problem, you visited my imature blog. Will your school help you with your healing? For example, will it allow you to postpone a compulsory exam for your course if you bring your medical certificate to your school's office?

However, you were a hard worker!! You look so busy that you cannot do something personal to do. Is it since your school is No.1 in China? Anyway your classes seem too busy.

Yes, of course, I can imagine how little you could sleep veryday before you were in hospital.

What you said in your comment caught my eye: "without health, everything is nothing." Your comment is very important to me:

I will remember to keep myself healthy! "Sleep is the best medicine for health!" I like this comment. It's like a proverb, and so convincing that I cannot forget.

As is said in your country, I guess, your accident is, though it seem unhappy, a kind of "他山之石", 詩経-小雅・鶴鳴. I just remember, thank you very much for your nice advice and kind words.

FrostFire said...

Well the medical fee of these 3 weeks in hospital is about 6 thousand, which is not very high compared with other patients who suffer the same kind but more severe health problem as mine. Fortunately, my school will cover most the fee, so my family will not have serious financial burden. However, this is not a good experience at all! First, I felt terrible during that period, weak, sad, upset about my future, regreted, etc. Second, my parents had to come to Beijing from my hometown thousand kms away to look after me. They also suffered a lot, especially my mom. They worried about me everyday before the doctor finally made sure that there was nothing serious with me except for some damage of my body yielded by bad overwork. I was accompanied by my parents during the past weeks. Thanks my parents, I got well very soon and now I am in good state except for comparatively poor vigor. I have suspended my schooling to have a thorough relaxation, corporally and morally. I will do some exercise for health so that my body can get strong. I will meet some friends, participate in some activities, and of course learn something other than my major. Maybe I will improve my maths, but what I want to improve most is how to acquire information and how to search for literatures. Before I was ill, I was peparing for a lecture by a Stanford prof. focusing on Japanese slump and currency appreciation. The topic was really enchanting to me and I wanted to some relative literatures before taking this lecture. I also wanted to collect some data of Japan, such as its exchange rates over time and its stock prices and real estates prices over time. However, when I turned on my computer, I felt extremely puzzled - I don't know where these data are available! As a result, I spent a lot of time but made little progress. What's worse, I fell ill! Once I wanted to turn to you for help, but since I know grad students are always very busy and expecially this is your first semester, I gave up that decision. Now I get to know that turning to people for help is more effient than working out everthing myself. After all, everyone has limited time and, more importantly, comparative advantage! In many situations, asking for help is a much better selection.

FrostFire said...

I am surprised that you have ever read Chinese ANCIENT poems! You are really brilliant! And your metaphor is precise! This experience is bad for me, however, it let me learn a lot.

By the way, I decide to learn some Japanese during my "holidays". Now the problem is that I am puzzled to find a proper textbook. Hmm...

Taro said...

Dear frostfire,

Thank you for your heartwarming reply. Your comment is always so strong. It can really cheer me up. And I know that you love your mother. There is a lesson said as "孟母三遷", 劉向(列女伝). It means that a good mother does as she can to help you with your physical and mental improvement, I think.

That's why you could go to the top school. Your mother is a great mother, as you know. I have a respect for your sincere appreciation for your mother.

By the way, you look better. I am relieved to hear from you about your recent life. Take it easy, please.

Let me answer your question briefly: I think that many economists usually don't chase the everyday motions of stock price and the exchange rate. It is because they are not interested in them. Why? The reason is very easy. They don't know why the stock and the exchange rate are so changeable. To tell the truth, this area(asset-pricing) is one of my interests. Asset-pricing is the exciting area that has a lot of math, especially, as I talked before, the Hamiltonian dynamics, the system of stochastic differential equations. I think that you like math better. You would be happy to learn this area.

However, I am also unfamiliar with this area, though. So let it be my homework with no due date, OK?

Anyway, again I am happy that you will become much better soon. Thank you for your nice message.

Taro said...

Dear frostfire,

I think that you would be happy to read the following website:

I like it, too.