Tuesday, October 30, 2007
10月29日8時0分配信 産経新聞
文部科学省は来年度予算の概算要求で、奨学金関係予算として前年度を約210億円上回る1439億円を計上した。 奨学生数は、19年度で全国の大学・短大生の3分の1に当たる114万人に膨らんでおり、奨学生数の拡大を背景に奨学金関係予算は年々増加している。 ただ、財務省は奨学金が「必ずしも苦学生でない人も対象に入っている」と指摘。無利子奨学金に比べて審査基準が緩い有利子奨学金まで含めると、年間所得が1344万円以下の世帯が対象で、大学生などの子供を抱える世帯の約8割が条件に当てはまる。審査の学力基準も緩く「手を挙げた人はだいたい奨学金がもらえる」(主計局)のが現状だという。 財務省によると、奨学金を電話代や海外旅行費など勉学以外の目的に費やす奨学生が増加傾向にある。これに対して勉学費や書籍購入費は大幅に減少しており、財務省は奨学金が勉学よりも娯楽に振り向けられているとみている。 一方、貸し出した奨学金が回収不能に陥るケースも急増している。 18年度には延滞債権総額が2000億円を超え、15年ほどで約3倍に膨らんだ。旧日本育英会の奨学金事業を引き継いだ日本学生支援機構が回収を進めているが、18年度に回収を行った1万件のうち、約半数の4395件は居所不明などの理由で未回収のままだ。
このため、財務省は奨学生に対する機関保証の義務化などを検討している。奨学生が毎月一定額の保証料を日本国際教育支援協会など保証機関に支払うことで、返済が滞った場合、保証機関が本人に代わって返済する制度を導入することにより、同省は未回収リスクを回避できるとみている。 文科省は「事業費の不足で、貸与の条件を満たしていても奨学金を受けられない学生が毎年いるのが現状」として予算増額の必要性を強調するが、財務省は「納税者に説明できるとは思えない」として削減方針を固めている。
※ 統計学では、相関関係は因果関係とは違うが、なんらかの因果関係の可能性が認められうる有効なデータである。しかしながら、あくまで、ここで考えられる因果関係は蓋然性の問題であって、実際には因果関係がないことも十分にありえる。この問題は、細かい実証研究の対象ではある。)
Friday, October 26, 2007
Mankiw And Comments
I could seize an opportunity to speak by seeing the Mankiw blog. Also I could get a persistent commentator, Mr. frostfire, you! I am very happy to talk to him in this blog. If you like commenting and talking to other different people, please feel free to post any comment. I'm waiting for you, thank you.
On Marriage
I sometimes wonder what a happy marriage is like. Also I wonder if marriage is really happy. Is it like a happy story described by the famous American movie starring James Stewart, “It’s a Wonderful Life” (1946, Liberty Films, Director, Frank Capra)? An angel comes up to a pitiful man to help him and shows him that there are many people considering and supporting him. Similarly, marriage is a happy story that makes one realize that one’s spouse is the best partner to support one, isn’t it? As Molière (a French playwright and actor) said somewhat ironically, “love is a beautiful misunderstanding, marriage is a miserable understanding.” Is marriage sometimes a painful hardship to be endured? Or is marriage other times such a happy and pleasant part of our life that we cannot endure? It has been said that we have three big choices to make in our life: school, career, and spouse. It seems difficult for us to choose a good spouse to spend a whole life with us, but it seems much more difficult to have a happy marriage.
A famous pundit who teaches women's studies at a university in Japan said an interesting thing about marriage; “Marriage is a contract made with each other to permit free sex.” Also she said that marriage forces women into men’s “sex” slavery. In her idea, marriage is a legal women's comfort. I think this comment is so prejudiced that she never marries. Her observation may tell us that observation also is not an appropriate way for us to know the truth. However, certainly, if I marry, I may be less likely to masturbate or to pay for a prostitute because I have a good partner to have sex with. However, surprisingly, there are increasing sexless couples, especially, I think that it is related to the increase of sexless couples, increasing virgin men (not women) in the thirties in Japan. Though in the thirties, they’ve never had sex. Why? I don’t know what the certain reason for that is, but it looks like more men are not interested in women. This fact tells us that they don’t marry only to have free sex. Additionally, men usually want to have sex with different women, I guess. I can’t believe that men are married only to have sex with only one woman. In fact, the weekly magazines devote a lot of space to stars' extramarital affairs. People like an illicit love. One famous TV star in Japan once said that an illicit love is one of cultures in Japan. Actually many classic novels in Japan are related to an illicit love, more correctly, an illicit and dangerous sex, and many Japanese seem to be more likely to yearn for it. (I don’t know about the cases in the US, however.) That’s why many Japanese are seeking for a dreamlike rendezvous though the internet and having a date in the night by using the internet is popular in Japan.
Assuming that marriage weren’t only for having sex, for what else reason are people married? For happiness? However, it is not always happy for all married couples. In fact more couples are divorcing and, in a serious case, going to the court because of their divorces. It is natural for us to think that there are many reasons for marriage, but what my mother talked to me one day is a somewhat heartwarming comment to the value of marriage: one of the best points of marriage is to have children. For me as her son, this comment makes me smile a little. She has thought that it is a happy part of her life for her to have children. And then I can think that marriage gives her a good chance to have children; Children―it’s a happy marriage to her. It is a very easy, but a thought-provoking answer. It could be said that marriage makes her realize that she can have children. I think that I must keep it in mind. Also she told me that it was her big pressure to watch us grow up in her marriage life. If marriage were a happy thing in having children, it would be easy for us to think that public policies for support child raising are much more important to make a happy marriage, especially in an aging society where there are less children and more aged in Japan. The comment that my mother gave me makes me think that one of the keys to a happy marriage is to help married couples with children with raising children. (Note that I do not mean that childless marriage is unhappy.)
10月25日20時41分配信 産経新聞
人事院は8月、国家公務員一般職の19年度給与について、初任給や20歳代の若手を中心とした月給を0・35%、ボーナスを0・05カ月分引き上げるよう勧告した。引き上げの勧告は6年ぶり。勧告を完全に実施したら、約450億円の国庫負担が必要で、地方公務員にも適用されれば計約1380億円に上る。 これに対し、政府は18日に給与関係閣僚会議を開いたが、「厳しい財政事情の中で国民の理解が得られるか」とする否定的な意見と、「人勧制度は公務員に与えられていないスト権に代わるものだ」とする意見とが対立し、結論を得ることができなかった。 町村信孝官房長官は25日の記者会見で「最近は製造業の大企業以外のボーナスは軒並み前年よりダウンしているし、地方に行くと公務員の給与水準が高すぎると思っている人たちもいる。国・地方の財政も厳しい」と説明。さらに「公務員に対する世の中の風当たりの厳しさをどう受け止めるかということもある」とも指摘し、守屋武昌前防衛事務次官らの接待疑惑が発覚した事情を考慮すると、完全実施は厳しいとの見解をにじませた。
今後、省庁間の調整や公務員労組との交渉を経て、月内に決着を図る方針だ。 政府はまた、退職後に不祥事が判明した場合、いったん支払った退職金を自動的に返納させる規定の新設も検討に入った。政府高官は25日、「今までの規定を超えるものができるかどうか、専門家の意見を聞きたい」と述べた。
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation
In macroeconomics, which is the subject I like, there are a lot of extension of physics. One of them is the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation, HJB.
The Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation:
where V is the Bellman equation, H the Hamiltonian function, and a is assumed a constant for brief.
In economics, H is generally the value of the aggregate income level, say, GDP, and V the value of the capital stock or wealth in the economy. This is an important point, these two values are estimated in terms of utility that the agents hold. However, it is a theoretical idea in economics, of course, in real economy, we cannot estimate these values in terms of utility because we cannot know what utility the agents have. So we usually use this equation by approximating these values by econometric procedures to evaluate the efficiency of economy, that is, to investigate how efficiently the economy is working. In other words, economists would compare the theoretical a with the actual a which is obtained by estimating these two values of the real economy to evaluate the efficiency of the economy. To do that, we can know about what proper policy we really need to make our economy better.
If you want to know about it more precisely, please read the books related to it, but today I want you to know that this equation is very beautiful. To tell the truth, I have never learned physics as a high school because my school had no science and math class. It had only English classes, for example, English grammar, English expression, English reading, English writing, English conversation,..., and so on. Surprisingly, these were all the same!
By the way, I have to talk about this equation because my readers of this blog are not always familiar with economics and math. So I will tell you soon about this equation used in economics. However my explanation will be from my understanding of it, not from my textbook, and so there's no guarantee to let you know clearly and understand correctly. (I mustn't copy some pages related to it in my textbook because it has generally a copyright to be protected legally.) Today, please take a look at this beautiful equation, sorry.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
2007 Nobel Prize of Economics
To be honest, I don't know about this area at all, but I know the name of Professor Hurwicz. If you were a grad student of economics, you could learn his name in the field of demand theory in microeconomics.
Let me explain a little:
Let X(p, m) be the Marshallian (ordinary, uncompensated) demand function, where p is a price vector and m is an income. This function will be derived from the utility-maximization problem of an agent. It should be equal to the Hicksian (compensated) demand function, which will be derived from the expenditure-minimization problem of the agent, at the corresponding level of utility;
Hi(p,u)=Xi(p, E(p,u)) ......(1)
where u is the utility level to be targeted and E(p,u) is the expenditure to achieve the utility level, which you can get to put the Hicksian demand functions into the form of the expenditure, for example, px, in this problem.
According to the Shephard's lemma, which is the result of the Envelope Theorem,
dE(p,u)/dpi =Hi(p,u) .......(2)
where "d" means the partial derivative. Sorry, I can't write it correctly.
And then we have to show the equation (2) is symmetric. The reason will be clear soon.
First differentiate the both sides of the expenditure function with respect to pj, which means the j-th price, and you get the following equation:
dE(p,u)/dpj =Hj(p,u) ......(3)
again differentiate the both sides of the above function (3) with respect to pi, which means the i-th price, and you get the following equation:
dE(p,u)/dpipj =dHj(p,u)/dpi ......(4)
According to the Young Theorem, which is one of the most important properties of calculus, the above equation (4) is the same as the second-order derivative of the expenditure function with respect to pi, and pj:
dE(p,u)/dpjpi =dHi(p,u)/dpj,
The young Theorem;
dE(p,u)/dpipj = dE(p,u)/dpjpi
and the following relationship holds:
Here note that the Marshallian demand is not symmetric. (You can show it by using the Roy's identity, which is the property derived from the Duality between the utility-maximization and the expenditure-minimization problems by using the Envelope Theorem.)
If you have a system of the Marshallian demand curves, X(p, E(p,u)), it must satisfy a sense of differential equations from the equation (1);
dE(p,u)/dpi =Xi(p, E(p,u)) ......(3)The relationship (3) holds if dHi(p,u)/dpj=dHj(p,u)/dpi, that is, the Slutsky matrix is symmetric, which was derived just before. This is the important result of Hurwicz and Uzawa (1971), On the Integrability of Demand Functions", with H. Uzawa, 1971, in Chipman et al, editors, Preferences, Utility and Demand.
The above article seems a little too special in economics, so if you want to know about this more precisely, needless to say, you should read the advanced textbook of microeconomics.
Here's the excerpt of the Press Release:
The design of economic institutions:
Adam Smith's classical metaphor of the invisible hand refers to how the market, under ideal conditions, ensures an efficient allocation of scarce resources. But in practice conditions are usually not ideal; for example, competition is not completely free, consumers are not perfectly informed and privately desirable production and consumption may generate social costs and benefits. Furthermore, many transactions do not take place in open markets but within firms, in bargaining between individuals or interest groups and under a host of other institutional arrangements.
How well do different such institutions, or allocation mechanisms, perform? What is the optimal mechanism to reach a certain goal, such as social welfare or private profit? Is government regulation called for, and if so, how is it best designed? These questions are difficult, particularly since information about individual preferences and available production technologies is usually dispersed among many actors who may use their private information to further their own interests.
Mechanism design theory, initiated by Leonid Hurwicz and further developed by Eric Maskin and Roger Myerson, has greatly enhanced our understanding of the properties of optimal allocation mechanisms in such situations, accounting for individuals' incentives and private information. The theory allows us to distinguish situations in which markets work well from those in which they do not. It has helped economists identify efficient trading mechanisms, regulation schemes and voting procedures. Today, mechanism design theory plays a central role in many areas of economics and parts of political science.
By the way, this is what I am wondering every year, why didn't the Nobel Prize go to Dr. Uzawa? He is a Japanese prominent economist and he achieved good results in economics. The topic I talked about just before is one of them, though it is with Dr. Hurwicz. Moreover, he taught Robert Lucas and Joseph Stiglitz, who are the US prominent economists and, as you know, have got the Nobel Prize already. Anyway, I don't know the reason for that.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Oh, My God!!
To be precise, I wet my bed a little. The main reason is, I guess, that I didn't sleep well last night (I read some textbooks last night).
Everyone, especially grad students, please be sure to get plenty of sleep. However, if I come to wet my bed every night from now on, I know that I have to see a doctor. Anyway I'm sorry to talk about that matter. I think that I should sleep well tonight.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
A Peculiar Man at Night
Just then, a man happened to come along to me. He had a cell phone and spoke to me, “Sorry, very sorry.” He continued, “I bought a house and have a monetary problem.” After then he continued to say something, but I couldn’t hear him. I am not familiar with the culture here, and then I thought that was something we have in common. And I asked him briefly, “I too am from a different culture.” He said, “I understand!!” And I asked, “You want money?” He replied, “Please, please help me!!” And I asked again, “what will you do for me?” He replied again, looking somewhat serious, “I appreciate you.” Hearing this response, I wondered if he was stupid.
Seemingly, he didn’t look poor. He wore a nice leather jacket, and he had cell phone. In contrast, I have no mobile phone and no laptop computer. Evidently I looked poorer than him. And I talked to him, “Three weeks later, I have to go back to my own country." Then I didn’t say about my country because my country(as you know, Japan)
Fortunately, he didn’t attack me, and he left me after that moment. He was gone in the dark. I didn’t know what had been happening. Anyway since then I’ve changed my mind about taking the bus late at night. However, I wish I had met a beauty, not such a peculiar guy that night.
(The above article has been checked by a native English speaker.)
Friday, October 12, 2007
このように、派遣労働は市場厚生の観点から見て、パレート改善的だと考えられる。が、本当にそうだろうか?? この発想の盲点は、企業/労働者双方の相互的、戦略的な関係がまったく描かれていないことである。当たり前である。上記の部分均衡分析は完全競争を想定しているため、経済主体の戦略的意思決定をまったく排除している。しかしながら、派遣労働の問題と、近年の日本製品の品質低下との問題をリンクさせて考えるには、労働者/企業双方の戦略的な関係(もっと経済学っぽくいうとゲーム論的な状況)を考慮に入れなければならないと考えている。
そういえば、私の父はよく職場の上司の話を私に聞かせてくれた。ほとんどは世話になったという話である。聞いててうっとうしくない。なぜ、父は私に職場の上司のことを語るのかその理由を考えてほしい。父は、その上司と職場に支えられたことを誇りに思っているからだとしか考えられないだろうか。そんな信頼ある職場が日本の企業文化の底辺にあったからこそ、今こうしてパイロットのペンシルをアメリカで見かけることができるのではないか? と小生思うのであるがいかがなものか?ちなみに、私の父はパイロットの社員ではないので、あしからず。もののたとえで言ったまでである。
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Answer(Monty Hall Show)
This problem is related to Bayes' theorem: P(A|B) =P(A,B)/P(B).
where P(A) and P(B) are prior probabilities, P(A|B) posterior probability, P(A,B) joint probability.
Let A be the state(event) of getting a ball and B the signal of opening a box.
The prob of getting a ball is P(A)=1/3. If you choose one of the three boxes and open another box and see nothing in it, the prob of getting a ball is P(A|B)=2/3.* Then you should swap!
If you choose one of the three boxes and choose another but don't open it, the prob of getting a ball is P(A)=P(A|B)=1/3. It doesn't matter whether you swap or not.
*P(A,B)=1/3 and P(B)=1/2.
Because we open two boxes and P(A,B)=P(A)P(B|A)=1/3×1=1/3. B|A means the signal where we already have got a ball and opened only one box.
Friday, October 05, 2007
Coursework Has Kicked Off
Needless to say, we have to complete it to write the dissertation for PhD in economics. And I have to do and review homework every week for the coming midterm exam. To be honest, I DO NOT like any exam. So I'm very nervous. (Somebody may say, " You must not update your blog and must go to the library right now". OK, you bet!!)
The content of the coursework that I take is as follows;
Microeconomics(Econ 801);
(1) Consumer Demand
(2) Choice under Uncertainty
(3) Intertemporal Choice
(4) Market Equilibrium
(5) Information, and so on.
Main Textbook; Varian(1992), "Microeconomic Theory, 3th edition"
Macroeconomics(Econ 802);
(1) Solow-Swan Growth Model
(Neoclassical Growth Model)
(2) Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans Optimal Growth Model
(Neoclassical Optimal Growth Model)
(3) Overlapping Generations Model (Diamond-Samuelson Model, or OLG)
(4) Real Business Cycle Theory (RBC),
(5) Consumption and Investment
and so on.
Main Textbook; David Romer(2006),"Advanced Macroeconomics, 3th edition" and Blanchard & Fischer(1989), "Lectures on macroeconomics"
Mathematical Economics(Econ 706);
(1) Differential Equation
(2) Difference Equation
(3) Static Optimization
Main Textbook; Takayama(1985), "Mathematical Economics"
To tell the truth, the microeconomics that I take here is not different from that in Osaka university, which I attended 4 years ago. And the macroeconomics looks a little easier than in Osaka University. Osaka University required us beforehand to master the Optimal Control, Maximum Principles and Dynamic Programming, which we need to analyze the economy with time going by. (Later I will talk to you about what I think about the Optimal Control in economics and what we can see through such a math technique. By the way, I want to know how to write the math equations in this blog. Can't I do that? If I can, please let me know if you know the way to write math.) In this point, this school requires us to have no knowledge of Optimal Control. I think it is very kind.
By the way, some grad students say that the coursework is not always necessary for economists to write thesis. Is that right? I don't think so, but, they say that they do not use the stuff that they have learned at coursework when they write the thesis on economics. I heard about it from one grad econ student from Columbia Uviversity, NY. Hummm, anyway it is sufficient for economists to complete the coursework at econ-grad school, even though it may be not necessary for economists to do, I believe. The coursework would make us think of the economy like economists, but would not necessarily give us a good chance to write a good thesis. However, at present I have no idea about this issue and I do not want to talk about it anymore.
OK, it's the time I had to go back to the library. My old teacher whom I respect told me to be a furniture in the library to complete the coursework. And I am going to be. See you then.