Sunday, March 30, 2014

On Whaling  捕鯨について

Australia has accused Japan of catching whales and the International Court of Justice (ICJ) will decide on this case tomorrow. I am not a whale eater and don't understand why it is important (instead why not accuse some governments of violating human rights?), but I think Japan should follow the decision.



























しかしながら、この結論を以て、特定の商品に対する軽減税率の導入の賛否は問えない。 基礎的な消費支出、例えば、同じ所得階層でも、医薬品などの価格上昇は疾患を抱える人々に対して負担を強いられ、所得分配に著しい不公平感が出てくる。


追記2014/04/01 厚労省は臨時福祉給付金という対策を施している。

Thursday, March 27, 2014


グ ラフから賃下げがデフレに先行しているので、「賃下げ⇒デフレ」という因果関係を導くのは一見もっともらしい。


また吉川洋氏のいう、「公正分配」説については、企業収益が伸び悩んだから賃金が上がらなかった、 となる。では企業収益が何故伸び悩んだかが、次に説明が求められる。


Capital Punishment

Death Penalty: It seems to me that the countries where the death penalty is carried out so often are dangerous to visit. Death penalty can be a deterrent to crimes to some extent, but can make the society unsafe if it is executed too much. The problem is not death penalty itself, but the authority and the people which justify killing many people under the unjust decision.


Friday, March 21, 2014



読売新聞 2014年1月31日
■万能細胞:作製の小保方さん おしゃれ好き、努力家「新星」
毎日新聞 2014年01月30日
産経新聞 2014年1月29日
週刊現代 2014年 2月15日号
■かわいすぎる研究者 小保方さんスイカップだった「早稲女」時代!
フラッシュ 2014年2月18日号
■小保方晴子さん 研究の合間にケーキ作りの修行をし周囲仰天
女性セブン 2014年2月20日号
■ネットも過熱 STAP細胞開発“巻き髪リケジョ”小保方さんの女子力
週刊朝日 2014年2月14日号
■一途なリケジョ 小保方晴子さんの「初恋」と「研究」


週刊新潮 2014年3月6日号
■「STAP論文」事件のウラに不適切な“情実人事” 小保方晴子さん 乱倫な研究室
週刊文春 2014年3月27日号
■オボちゃん [小保方晴子] はなぜ「やっちまった」のか 本当はどこまで悪いのか!? 小保方氏に理研副センター長からの「寵愛」 疑惑の責任は?
女性セブン 2014年4月3日号

Thursday, March 20, 2014

On Ghost and God

Generally speaking, scientists don't believe in ghost or god. Some scientists may, but almost all the scientists can't prove the existence of ghost and god. And so can we say that there's no ghost and no god in the world? 

Certainly not. But be careful that we cannot say either that there's ghost and god for sure. All right, is there ghost, or something like that in the world anyway?

The problem is not whether there's actually ghost or not, neither whether modern science and technology can prove it or not, but rather that once we have admitted its existence, we could explain and solve every problem in the world.

For example, you get sick and you might think that evil causes it. You should drive out this evil first. This could be a right decision more than 100 years ago and it's OK if not so serious, but if our problem were so serious that we could not dismiss like the big earthquake or other natural disasters, we would need to seek another reason that it happens and another solution. And thus our ancestors need a scientific way of thinking and solution to know what the world and nature works and to solve the problem.

To live in modern society is, in a way, to do away with any superstition lying behind everything in the world. To accept the way of science, we can live happier in a better place. We can never deny any ghost and god, but if we accept ghost and god, we all go back to the past and do away with our modern life. 

Monday, March 17, 2014

CEO's Pay  最高経営責任者の給与

Dr Reich points out that CEO's pay is much higher than that of average workers. 

If average workers' pay is 1, Japanese CEO's pay is 11 whereas the American CEO's is 475. 

But this doesn't mean that American CEO is not worth it, but rather that there's possibility that American CEO contributes much more (American general workers do much less) than Japanese CEO (general workers) to the management. However, honestly I feel a little abnormal toward American CEO's pay.

ライシュ博士は最高経営責任者の給与が平均労働者のそれより随分高いことを指摘している。平均労働者の給与を1とすると、日本の最高経営責任者は11で、 アメリカのそれは475である。しかし、これがアメリカの経営者がその価値に値しないということではなく、むしろアメリカの経営者のほうが日本のそれより も、または日本の労働者の方がアメリカのそれよりも貢献している可能性があるということである。 しかし、正直にはアメリカの経営者の給与は少し異常だと思う。

Saturday, March 15, 2014

On Nuke Power 原子力について

Before the Quake in 2011, 32% of Japan's power source was nuclear one. Now it is only 2%. 67% of Japanese demand that nuke power plants should be decreased or abolished. Seeing the meltdown and the reactions of the government and the power company, they get dubious about whether nuke power can be really controlled.

But what if it had not been for the Quake then? We would still rely on the same amount of nuke power as before. Since the first oil shock, we had had nuke power without major plant accidents.

The meltdown doesn't tell us how vulnerable and insecure nuke plant is, but rather how the government and power companies have managed nuke plants since ever. First of all, whether nuke plants have been properly operated should be verified. Without such an inspection, I would never think that nuke power plants should be abolished.



溶解事故はいかに原子力発電所が脆く不安定かではなく、いかにこれまで政府電力会社が発電所を運営してきたかを物語っている。 まずは、発電所が適正に運営されてきたかを検証されなければならない。 そのような検証なくして、原子力発電所が廃止されるべきだとは思わない。

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Duck And Cover (1951) Bert The Turtle Civil Defense Film


The Long Peace

What caused the Long Peace that we have seen since WW2?

The nuclear weaponry? The growing economies?

Plagiarism 盗用

A newly famed bio scientist of Riken is being suspected of having presented others' papers as her own work. Riken is known as having been committed to creating an A-bomb during WW2 and a highly ranked research institution.

Though I've never met her before, I am feeling that it's not others' matter; Many PhD dissertations resemble their mentors' work and many papers just only list up previous researches, which means that it is quite a hard work to create an original work. There's always room for plagiarism in a highly competitive field of creation.

盗用。理研の科学者が他人の論文を自身の論文として公表していたという疑いがかけられている。理研は第2次大戦中に原子爆弾の製造にかかわったことで知られていて、 高名な研究機関である。その方とはお会いしていないが、他人事には感じられないでいる。


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Fundamental Attribution Error 2

My words and behaviors may be very "Japanese like". 

The fact that I am a Japanese is true, but if you see me paying in cash, are you really right in saying that it's because I am a "Japanese"? Americans usually pay with credit card. I am not talking about prejudice, but about kind of cognitive bias. Only on the basis of that bias do we usually think. Don't we?


私が日本人であることは事実だが、もし私が現金で支払いをしているところを見て、あなたが、私が日 本人だからそうしているというのは本当に正しいだろうか。アメリカ人は普通クレジットで支払う。偏見の話をしているのではなく、認知的なバイアスの話を しているのだ。我々にはこういったバイアスに基づいて考えてはないないだろうか。 

I found Dr Mankiw talking about this bias:

Why am I smiling? Because it is a sunny day.
Why is he smiling? Because he is a cheerful person.

I wonder if this common error can help explain some unfortunate impulses in economic policy.

Why did I raise my price? Because demand increased more than supply.
Why did the gasoline station raise its price? Because oil companies are greedy price gougers.

Similarly, in judging policymakers, perhaps we give too much credit to those who were simply lucky and too much blame to those who were unlucky

...I have long thought that Bill Clinton gets too much credit for the booming economy of the 1990s, and Jimmy Carter gets too much blame for the lousy economy of the 1970s. Now I have a term for it: the fundamental attribution error.

Sunday, March 09, 2014

Mr Abe's Revisionism

In Japan many people cannot find their own places in the society and have to work part-time and live a poor life in the face of higher tax. Mr Abe was meant to include them by making someone a bad guy, and the bad guy is the post-war premise that Japan did a lot of cruel things in the past.

Regarding Comfort Women in Korea and Nanjing Holocaust in China, it's an irony that the starter was Japanese themselves; the first reporter of Comfort Women is a nonfiction writer Senda Kakou, whereas of Nanjing massacre is a historian Iyenaga Saburo.

The problem Mr Abe faces is, even though China and Korea are making use of these issues for their political purposes, not the problem with China and Korea, but rather with Japan and Japanese.




On Modern Success Story

Robert Frank of Cornell University tells,

There're two theories regarding what causes income and economic divide;

(1)Winner-Take-All Thoery supported by Robert Frank and Anita Elberse of HBS
The ability to widely distribute the best performers’ products at low cost portends a world where even small differences in talent command huge differences in reward.

(2) Long-Tail Theory supported by Chris Anderson of Wired Magazine
The information revolution is letting sellers prosper even when their offerings appeal to only a small fraction of the market. This view foresees a golden age in which small-scale creative talent flourishes as never before.

Fundamental Attribution Error(根本的な帰属の誤り)

From Wiki,

In social psychology, the fundamental attribution error (also known as correspondence bias or attribution effect) describes the tendency to over-value dispositional or personality-based explanations for the observed behaviors of others while under-valuing situational explanations for those behaviors.

The fundamental attribution error is most visible when people explain the behavior of others. It does not explain interpretations of one's own behavior—where situational factors are often taken into consideration. This discrepancy is called the actorobserver bias.


Saturday, March 08, 2014


Some universities have the students and visitors refrain from using elevators in the campus for power saving; One university tells them to cooperate to save power, the other tells them that if they use stairs instead they will expend calories and can lose their weight. Well, changing the way of asking a favor will make quite a different impression on us.




Sunday, March 02, 2014











