Thursday, January 03, 2008

Make This Year 2008 Fruitful!!

Happy new year, every reader of this blog! I hope that you will have a wonderful and fruitful year 2008. Also, I hope that you can enjoy this blog from now on!

This year I am going to be a little busy studying economics and (it is a big job of every international student whose mother language isn't English to do) English.

My most challenging task of this year is to speak English well. If I can't improve my English well, next semester I won't be able to get a fellowship that supports me financially. I still have some difficulty in making myself understood in English: I am sometimes asked to say again what I said before. Also, I understand what some people say in English, but don't understand what other people say. So, I am a little nervous about that.

By the way, now is the winter break, so I have some time to revise my blog, but later on it will be changed less frequently than it was last year. However, I will try to revise it as frequently as possible.

The careful readers may notice that my recent blog has been unrelated to economics, but related to my everyday life in the United States. To tell the truth, I want to choose a topic of economics, especially, of macroeconomics and the technique of dynamic optimization used in macroeconomics, but I didn't do it well. So, I want to plan to write as many topics related to economics as I can. Please don't miss it!!

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