Thursday, June 29, 2006






さて、オダギリジョーは私より税金を多く支払わないといけないのであるが、それは、オダギリジョーのほうが私よりもたくさん儲けているからである。なぜオダギリジョーがたくさん儲けるのか? 出演映画がヒットするからである。ならば、なぜ出演映画がヒットするのか? オダギリジョーがイケメンだからか? 演技がうまいからなのか? 


この場合を考えると、結局何に重い税金をかけているのかはっきりしない。税金は最終的にオダギリジョーの「個性」にかけているのであるなら、なぜ私の「個性」にはかからないのか? 私は「お金になる個性」を持っていないからである。ならば、どうすれば個性はお金になるのか、儲かるのか。税金のかかる個性とはいかなるものなのか?


仮に、政府は「儲かる個性」に重い税をかけているとすると、その政策的効果はいかなるものなのか? 「儲かる個性」を発揚することが妨げられるのか? 個性を発揮する場所が減るのか? 今のところ、私には想像できない。

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Metabolic Syndrome

Nowadays I've heard about the metabolic syndrome. We modern people may be related to the syndrome. Here's a summary of metabolic syndrome;

(The Yomiuri Shinbun, May 22,2006)
Yoko Mizui
The Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry announced that about 20 million middle-aged and older Japanese have the problem of so-called metabolic syndrome, in which fat accumulates around internal organs.

Metabolic syndrome is feared to cause stroke on heart attacks. out of two middle-aged or older men is an actual or potential sufferer of the syndrome. As for women, it is one out of five.

It has been learned that visceral fat can cause diabetes, high blood pressure and hyperlipidemia- excess fat in the blood. Combinations of obesity with these three factors have been closely connected with the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

As people in this country began to enjoy a richer diet after World War Ⅱ and exercised less as automobile use spread, more and more people have become fat.

...The ministry proposed measures for addressing metabolic syndrome in its efforts to prevent lifestyle-related diseases in a package of bills concerning health care reforms under deliberation in the current Diet session.

...The best way to overcome metabolic sydrome is through exercise and a healthy diet. ...avoiding high-energy animal fats and sugars and taking low-energy vegetables, mushrooms and seaweed is effective in reducing visceral fat. Regular exercise is also important.

...The business world has become interested in metabolic syndrome and has developed various projects to control the nation's medical expenditures and develop the health care industry.

I am too a little fat for 25. I'll be careful of my health not to make friends with metabolic syndrome.








ゲーム理論の分野で有名な「しっぺ返しの戦略」(tit-for-tat strategy)というものがあるが、これを私なりに解釈すると、その含意は、善良な市民を守るには、悪行に対して、悪行をもって制することが、悪行のないよりよい社会を作る最良の方法と言えそうである。


私は死刑制度に賛成である。私は死刑は殺人を抑止し、残虐な殺人のないよりよい社会を築く効果があると思っている。殺人がなぜいけないのか? それは、自分は殺されたくないからである。自分が殺されたくないのであるなら、相手も殺されたくはないはずである。自殺願望者を除いて・・・。


人権を侵す人間の人権を守る。一方で、人権を侵された人間の人権が守られない。何か矛盾してはいないだろうか。たとえ人権を侵した者が未成年であっても、自分の人権は侵されたくはないはずである。 ならば、殺人を犯した者が未成年であろうと、すべての殺人には殺人をもってこれを制しよ。ならば、多くの善良な市民の人権が守られよう。


Tuesday, June 20, 2006




かつてホテルニュージャパンの経営者であった故横井 英樹氏が、「金は汚く稼いで、きれいに使え」という名言(?!)を残し、今回の事件はそれを思い出させた。村上ファンドの村上氏、そしてライブドアの堀江氏といい、汗水なくして荒稼ぎするマネーゲームに公衆は高い反感を抱かずにいられなかった。












Monday, June 19, 2006
































KGB~My Way of Blogging

KGB is not the Russian-language abbreviation for State Security Committee, but the Japanese-language abbreviation for Home Studying Blog(Katei Gakushu Blog).

The primary aim of this blog is to understand how our society works and to translate my thoughts about socioeconomic events into my words.

My high school put all of its energy in encouraging its students to make it a rule to study home everyday by theirselves. Then our teachers told us to make a KG notebook when we did our homework. KG notebook is the notebook prepared for studying home. KG is the Japanese language abbreviation for Home Studying, Katei Gakushu. Homework may well be done on a KG notebook.

In my memories of high school, I didn't like making a KG notebook and doing my homework on it. Our teachers said to us, "write down what you've learned today at school and your thoughts on a KG notebook, and you'll be able to memorize it." It is very important to put our ideas on a KG notebook by our own words, they emphasized.

It was a bother to put my thoughts on that notebook, but now I think it is right. So I will not do a right thing on a notebook but on this blog. I want to call the way of this blog Katei Gakushu Blog, KGB. KGB will provide you with a lot of good information and pedagogical knowledge in secret.

Friday, June 16, 2006

What Mistakes Tell

I often miss what a person says and can't catch well what he or she means. Everyday I misread what a today's newspaper reports and takes much time to understand it. I must be writing a wrong spell of English words when I am blogging just like this. (If you find it, tell me in secret.)

I happended to see an issue of the Yale Economic Review have an intriguing article;

Great Minds in Economics: Paul Samuelson
by Mark Schneider

...People often view mistakes in a bad light. But Paul Samuelson, like economics itself, has recognized that mistakes are an inevitable, if not necessary, step.

...Mistakes may be the result of negligence, but they can also be the result of extreme effort in the search for truth. The key is the relationship between the two. Samuelson not only recognizes the value in falling to get up again, he promotes it. “My own credo,” he said proudly “is ‘Be wrong! Yes, but don’t stay wrong.’”

Paul Samuelson is a prominent American economist and once had a great influence on the development and the practice of economics. He won the Novel Prize for his historial works on economics. Some economists say Samuelson is the God of modern economics.

He was the economist whose name I first knew when I began to study economics at university. However I've read none of his articles and known just only his name though I majored in neoclassical economics at graduate school.

...Mistakes may be the result of negligence, but they can also be the result of extreme effort in the search for truth. It's a very insightful statement. This is the comment I like best.

In my case, mistakes may not be the result of effort in the search for truth but the result of negligence.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Koizumi Reforms Make Japan Sustainable

What would the prime minister Junichiro Koizumi's structural reforms be evaluated by the historians of the next generation? Koizumi Reforms have ever been paid a significant attention to and had many things to talk about among almost all the people throughout the country.

The main purpose of these reforms is said to make a "small government" by privatizing the public organizations like Japan postal service, which does regulate less likely the private market economy and leave well enough alone.

As the U.S. president Ronald Reagan once said that the government is not the solution to the problem but the problem, it seemed the old-fashioned "laissez-faire" governmental management policy, which had been believed to be the best policy in the late 19 century in the capitalist countries like then the Great Britain and the United States and leaves things to take their own course without interfering. This Reagan's way of pursuing a small government soon became known as the "Reaganomics".

Koizumi's way of state governance has been reputed as the copy of Reaganomics in terms of a heavy weight on the freely organized market economy. Some naive questions would be asked about the policies Koizumi gets to proceed; Do the reforms make us a happy and wealthy life? Do they hurt us? To what extent if they hurt us ?

Today's Japan Times' column has a good summary about the Koizumi Reforms and the difficulties Koizumi has to tackle;

(Monday, June 12, 2006)

A tenable vision of efficiency

Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's structural reforms for creating a "simple, efficient government" have entered the final phase.

...According to estimates by the Cabinet's advisory council, 20 trillion yen is required to eliminate revenue shortfalls. The new council has agreed that more than half of the revenue shortfalls should be covered by cuts in expenditures. However, the government and the ruling coalition have yet to agree on specific measures for cutting expenditures by as much as 10 trillion yen.

...Within the LDP, though, talks on budget-cut measures are encountering difficulty. The focal issue is how much to trim social-security expenditures, which amount to 20 trillion yen or a quarter of the government budget.

Reductions in social-security expenditures would lead to increases in personal expenditures for medical and nursing care. Furthermore, the proposal to cut public works investment by 3 percent annually over five years would hurt local economies dependent on such investment.
Proposed cuts in tax revenues allocated to local governments would lead to wider financial divides among them.

...Since it will be impossible to cover revenue shortfalls only with expenditure cuts, debate on tax hikes, especially a raise in the consumption tax, is unavoidable.

...Tax reform for averting a fiscal crisis as the population ages and birthrates fall is crucial. Former Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda, ...asserted last month that a raise in the consumption tax was the only viable option for balancing the budget (and that) a 5 percent hike in the consumption tax would produce 12 trillion yen in extra revenue a year.

The comment was an apparent challenge to (now Chief Cabinet Secretary Shinzo) Abe, who argues that drastic cuts in expenditures should first be implemented in line with Koizumi's reform plans. As the top spokesman for the Koizumi government, Abe is not in a position to push for a higher consumption tax. Fukuda has no such restrictions.

...The administrative reform promotion law sets goals to be achieved in five to 10 years in various fields. The goals include a 5 percent cut in the number of central government bureaucrats by 2010, the consolidation and privatization of government-backed financial institutions, and the halving of the number of special accounts (now 31) in the government budget -- which are in addition to the general-account budget -- to produce 20 trillion yen in surplus revenue for restoring fiscal health.

...Last year, the nation's birthrate fell to an all-time low of 1.25 children per woman, and the population saw its first year-on-year decline. The government predicts the population will fall below 100 million in 2051. The proportion of people aged 65 and over, which exceeded 20 percent for the first time last year, is expected to top 35 percent by 2050.

...Koizumi's reform agenda for creating "a simple, efficient government" merits praise as a policy goal. But it will be meaningless unless it engenders a socioeconomic system for comfortable living with less anxiety, based on a cost-benefit analysis.

Koizumi Reforms come to an end to a drastic cut in government expenditures. Here is a critical statement that the poor fatherless families and elder pensioners will be neglected under the policies Koizumi seeks. Some commentators, who are usually thought to be the conservative LDP members, call them the "Cut-off-Poor" policy, which means the policy not to take care of the poor.

A smaller government, with tax rate lower, leads to a smaller expenditure and thus a lower level of welfare services. It is happy for the workers in the companies, who are always taxpayers, to pay a lower tax, whereas it is not pleasant for the children or elder people, who are supported through the public education or pension system, to take the inadequate public services.

To the contrary, a larger government requires a heavier burden with its social security service adequate. The people enjoying the benefits of public welfare systems would be happier than the payers for the benefits, the employees or executives.

I would like not to ask you which is given a higher priority to, the taxpayers or welfare receivers, but to ask what the government does for the whole citizens. Should the government do much for us? Or less for us? To what extent should the government do for our everyday life?

Now the modern capitalist society has many difficulties and challenges necessary for us to takle. More people are getting older and becoming the retirees and pensioners, less people working and paying tax. Could less working people help more elder people with their remaining lives? If the government took care of them, both a hike in tax rate and a broader tax burden would be required. It is not a sustainable way for the government to supply enough social security services to support their lives without tax rate increasing.

We have to think of the new style of governing Japan for the next generation. Cutting the expenditures and increasing the taxes would be necessary for us to build a sustainable path to the next society. Koizumi's way of reforming the structural systems to support the present welfare state is not wrong. The government should encourage the private companies to do what they can do and revise the public services organized by the inefficient governmental enterprises.

We should look more up on the efficiently organized market economy. Free market leads to efficient allocation of resources as textbook says. And at the same time we should reconize the necessary role of the government to fix the failures and disorders of the market economy. In terms of reorganizing the results of the markets, the role of the government is not small but limited to solve the problems.

Monday, June 12, 2006









しかし、教科書を作ることは企業の信用を高める上でも必要かもしれない。10人社員がいて、10人とも解答が違うのがよい会社なのだろうか? やはり、10人社員がいて、出てくる解答が1つの方が消費者、ユーザーとしては安心する。


最近は定番の経済学の教科書がたくさん出版され、エコノミストの政策提言も平均化されつつあるように思う。 このことからかもしれないが、政策現場における経済学に期待を寄せる向きもある。


Sunday, June 11, 2006

ALWAYS 3丁目の夕日

映画ALWAYS 3丁目の夕日を見た。よかった。









My Real Face

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Policymaker and Professor

Today's Japan Times has an interesting article about one female policymaker and economist of BOJ.

(Friday, June 9, 2006)
Miyako Suda doesn't think of her job on the Bank of Japan's Policy Board as only talking to economists and crunching numbers. ...Suda, 58, was first appointed to the nine-member board, which steers the country's monetary policies, in April 2001.
Not only is she just the second woman to sit on the board, with her reappointment last April, she effectively became the first person to get a second five-year term under the revised Bank of Japan Law, which took effect in April 1998.

I first met her when attending her lecture on the current BOJ monetary policy, which was held by the Department of Economics, Osaka University in January 2005. I remember that I asked her the one question- do you keep in mind the effects on the rest of the world when making monetary policy?

She said no. She and the other policy board members usually don't think of the influences on the other foreign economies such as the U.S. economy when planning and implementing monetary policy.

She said that she is considering only the Japanese economy when conducting monetary policy though she at first had wondered why BOJ doesn't think of the economic influences on the other countries when it makes monetary policy.

The former professor of international economics and economic theory at Gakushuin University believes her job includes making the public aware of the importance of stabilizing monetary value and consumer prices. She has given more than 20 talks to mostly young people on finance and the economy.

Knowing about money "will help people when thinking about how to lead their lives," Suda said in a recent interview with The Japan Times. "I used to think financial education was about educating the public about risks and returns when making an investment," but it is more about learning how to use your money in daily life, she said.

I agree with what she says. When I come to dislike studying economics, I always try to think that I can clear my understanding on the actual economic activities by studying the economic theories and I can find what we should do as a policymaker in front of the economic problems by applying the economic models.

...She said that learning about American financial education -- characterized by former Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan's words, "No matter who you are, making informed decisions about what to do with your money will help build a more stable financial future for you and your family" -- was an eye-opener.

The more people learn about money, the easier they can make financial plans-for example to buy stocks, bonds, mutual funds, insurances and so on. There have been the discussions about whether a financial education should be encouraged in the primary and junior high school. Some critics say it is somewhat immoral to teach pupils and students at school how to buy stocks and bonds with the internet and to earn money without sweat and tears.

I don't know very well whether a finacial education should be done. However it is favorable for the young to study how the economy and the financial market works and to experience the imaginary management of small business.

..."Since the economy continuously changes and is growing more complex, analyzing the current state of the economy while using economic theories as a measure helps make consistent decisions," Suda said.

I think that a policymaker should know and use economic theories when planning economic policies. Don't you want to see a doctor who doesn't know medicine well, do you? No economic commentator but economic expert should plan and do economic policies.

Slumping Tokyo Market

Nowadays the stock prices in Tokyo Stock Exchange Market are declining, though the Japanese economy is said to have been recovering from the persistent deflationary stagnation. Now many Japanese business people feel unpleasant about such a present economic condition. What does Tokyo market imply about the Jpanese economy? Will the Japanese economy again go to an annoying recession?

Today the Yomiuri Shinbun, which is the Japanese newspapers read most in Japan, says,

Stock prices in Tokyo plummeted Thursday due to a fall in the U.S. market the previous day, with the Nikkei Stock Average of 225 selected issues falling to below 15,000 for the first time in about six months. (Jun. 9, 2006)

According to the above, the U.S. stock prices are also now decreasing. Here I will raise one question; does a fall in the U.S. market lead to a decrease in Tokyo market?

There has been a rule of thumb said generally in Japan; "If the U.S. had a sneeze, Japan would have a cold". It means a tight economic relationship between the U.S. and Japan. Certainly now Japan has been trading a great deal of goods and services with the U.S. and vice versa. And thus the business activities in the U.S. have a great influence on the Japanese economy.

It is therefore thinkable that the falling stock prices of the U.S. market result in the decrease in those of Tokyo market because the stock prices reflect the current and future business activities. However I don't know properly the mechanism of how the U.S. market affects the Tokyo market. (If you know the mechanism, please tell me!)

Here is another article implying about how a stagnating U.S. market leads to slumping Tokyo market;

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Shares of Wall Street's biggest brokers, bankers and exchanges fell on Thursday amid a broad collapse in stock prices triggered by fears of rising global interest rates and inflation.

..."This is not a reflection of the current business (on Wall Street). Earnings should be very strong, probably above expectations in most cases," said Tim Ghriskey, chief investment officer of Solaris Asset Management in Bedford Hills, New York. "The market's fear is in the future. Market weakness can often eventually lead to lower trading volumes as investors abandon the market."

..."Markets seem to be concerned the Fed will create a significant slowdown or recession. That would certainly take the edge off some businesses, like equities and credit," said Merrill Lynch brokerage analyst Guy Moszkowski. "Right now, the market is retreating from risk." (Jun.8, 2006)

Three points should we take care of in the above article;

(1) Fears of rising global interest rate and inflation

Rising interest rate lessens the activities of business investment. High interest rate costs more to borrow money, which makes the business people buy less productive machines, build less factories and thus product less.

High inflation, high prices of oil and steel, etc, also makes them product less because they pass higher prices of products on to consumers. Fears of high interest rate and inflation lower production and thus economic activities.

(2) Market's fear is in the future

Stock price shows rather the future economic condition than the current. Stock price is said to be a leading economic indicator. It means a data series that fluctuates in advance of the economy. A decline in a leading indicator signals that an economy is going to a recession more likely. And so a weakening market makes business people expect that the future economy goes to a stagnation.

More important economic feature we'd like to keep in mind about the stock prices is that the expectation of business people affects the current business behavior. This feature is said to a "self-fulfilling" among economists. That is, business people expect the future economic downturn and actually makes the economy turn down.

(3) The Fed's creation of significant slowdown

The Fed chairman Ben Bernanke is reported to think of decreasing inflation. The purpose of the Fed is to stabilize an economy and a finacial market by manipulating money supply. Bernanke sees an inflation rising now in the U.S. economy and comes to think of decreasing inflation to stabilize the prices as the Fed chairman.

Just as economics textbook tells, killing inflation calls for a slowdown of business activities. It is because the Fed decreases money supply. (To the contrary, the Fed increases money supply and thus makes the business activities turn up and inflation higher.)

Rising inflation makes business people expect the Fed creates a downturn by decreasing money supply. The expectation of the future contractionary Fed action, which means the future weakening business activities, reflects the current stock prices of the U.S. market and realizes a fall of stock prices and thus an economic slowdown.

And then Japanese see the stock prices of the U.S. market decreasing and expect the U.S.economic downturn. The expectation reflects the current stock prices of Tokyo market, lowers trading volume with the U.S. and realizes the slowing economic activities in Japan.

Current slumping Tokyo market reflects the future downturn and realizes it more likely.

Thursday, June 08, 2006


今日の小泉内閣メールマガジンから、東京大学大学院教授 伊藤元重教授の「グローバル戦略」についての投稿に注目しよう。


私もこの考え方に異論はない。日本が国際社会の中で大きな存在感を示すために、日本にしかできないことにもっと力を入れていくべきであると考えている。こうすることで、日本は海外からも高く信頼され、日本人の作る製品やサービスに高い期待が寄せられる。 しいては、日本という国にも信頼が寄せられる。



日本では外国人受け入れに対する抵抗が依然強い。言葉の問題もさることながら、それに付随する文化的摩擦や政治的紛争に対する警戒があるのだ。 言葉の通じない外国人が隣に引っ越してきたらどうか考えればよい。







English Version Taro Okamoto's Blog Now Begins!

Hello, the English Version of Taro Okamoto's Blog has begun.

I am very happy with this blog! And I would like to express actively my opinions and ideas about the political,economic and social problems which are currently raised in Japan and in the world.

The main purpose of my blog is to share my thoughts on current issues of Japanese and world society with the other readers of my blog. Clearing my thoughts through this blog, I would like to be able to enhance my horizon and to have the other people enjoying this blog broaden their outlooks.

Now I must keep the following 6 promises:

(1)Guard the privacies of both readers and me

(2)Do not insult the particular person by exposing the real name

(3)Do not contain the sexist jokes in this blog

(4)Guard the copyright and portraitright

(5)Do not force any particular thoughts and ideologies

(6)Express my opinions in both Japanese and English

Any mistakes in this blog would be made by its blogger Taro Okamoto. I would like to have the readers recognize that the contents of the English version of my blog will be somewhat different from those of the Japanese one.

OK, now is the time to get going!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006











Seven Rules of Taro's Blog

(1)I protect your privacy.

(2)I do not insult any particular person by exposing the real name.

(3)I do not contain any sexist joke in this blog.

(4)I protect the copyrights and portraitrights of any other person's products.

(5)I do not force you to have any particular idea.

(6)I try to write plain English.

(7)I welcome both cheerful agreements and polite disagreements.


岡本 太郎(おかもと たろう)
出身地  大阪府   
出生年月日 1981年(昭和56年)1月6日






My Profile

Taro Okamoto
Master Degree (Osaka University)


BIRTH: 6th January, 1981, Osaka, SEX: male

August 2004
The Japan Research Institute, Limited. / Summer internship

September 2007 - September 2008
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee/Wisconsin/USA
PhD Graduate Student

Chancellor's Graduate Student Award 2007-08,
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

June 2008 - July 2008
University of Potsdam/Potsdam/GERMANY
Summer Program

April 2003 - March 2005
Osaka University/Osaka/JAPAN
Master Degree (Applied Economics)

The Society for Testing English Proficiency, 2nd Grade (Japanese high school graduate level), September 1998

Computer Skills: Word, Excel and PowerPoint (Microsoft)
Communication Skills: everyday English conversation

Money, Currency, Credit, and Recession