問題は(1)なぜ日本は原爆研究をやったか、(2)なぜ海軍陸軍別々で研究をやったか、(3)なぜ原爆投下を国民に知らせ、避難させなかったか。広島は、 戦後社会でアメリカを超大国にする大きな儀式だった。さらに、結果として、皮肉にも大きな人体実験を米軍と帝国陸軍合同でやった格好となった。「原爆を持 てば国際社会で優位になれる」と陸軍は読み、実際その後の世界は「核抑止力」により秩序が立てられた。NPT(核不拡散条約)の協議も進んでいない。思え ば、広島という原体験こそが、皮肉にも核兵器のない社会を遠いおとぎ話にしてしまったかもしれない。
Then the Imperial Japan had nuclear weapon projects: Ni-Go project conducted by then the Army, F-Go project by then the Navy. These projects are not well informed, first of all, there is few reliable documents about them to consult.
Every year the day of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima is coming on, I am sure that then the Imperial Japan knew the Manhattan Project conducted by then the USA and the date when A bomb would be dropped in Hiroshima, though there's no any more reference that supports it.
問題は(1)なぜ日本は原爆研究をやったか、(2)なぜ海軍陸軍別々で研究をやったか、(3)なぜ原爆投下を国民に知らせ、避難させなかったか。広島は、 戦後社会でアメリカを超大国にする大きな儀式だった。さらに、結果として、皮肉にも大きな人体実験を米軍と帝国陸軍合同でやった格好となった。「原爆を持 てば国際社会で優位になれる」と陸軍は読み、実際その後の世界は「核抑止力」により秩序が立てられた。NPT(核不拡散条約)の協議も進んでいない。思え ば、広島という原体験こそが、皮肉にも核兵器のない社会を遠いおとぎ話にしてしまったかもしれない。
Then the Imperial Japan had nuclear weapon projects: Ni-Go project conducted by then the Army, F-Go project by then the Navy. These projects are not well informed, first of all, there is few reliable documents about them to consult.
Every year the day of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima is coming on, I am sure that then the Imperial Japan knew the Manhattan Project conducted by then the USA and the date when A bomb would be dropped in Hiroshima, though there's no any more reference that supports it.
My questions are, #1 why did the Imperial Japan try to develop an A
bomb?, #2 why didn't then the Army and the Navy cooperate?, #3 why
didn't the Navy inform the citizens of Hiroshima of being A bombed and
let them run away?
Hiroshima can be said to become a ritual that made USA a political and military hegemony in the post-war world. Moreover, as a result, then the Army let USA conduct, rather cooperated with USA to conduct, a human experimentation in Hiroshima on how an A bomb destroys the human bodies.
Then the Army might read that the Imperial Japan would hold power if it had an A bomb, and it is right; Actually the power balance of the post-war world has been maintained by such a nuclear deterrence. Reflecting how less progress NPT (NonProliferation Treaty) is making, I think it is the very experience of Hiroshima that ironically made real world far away from the world free from nuclear weapons.
Hiroshima can be said to become a ritual that made USA a political and military hegemony in the post-war world. Moreover, as a result, then the Army let USA conduct, rather cooperated with USA to conduct, a human experimentation in Hiroshima on how an A bomb destroys the human bodies.
Then the Army might read that the Imperial Japan would hold power if it had an A bomb, and it is right; Actually the power balance of the post-war world has been maintained by such a nuclear deterrence. Reflecting how less progress NPT (NonProliferation Treaty) is making, I think it is the very experience of Hiroshima that ironically made real world far away from the world free from nuclear weapons.