Tuesday, October 14, 2014




4)Dixit,Optimization in Economic Theory

を読んできたが、上記のテキストに書かれていることは全てVarian,Microeconomic Analysis

一方で、マクロ経済学はRomer(2006)を辞書的に使うのみで、論文や講義資料を読み漁っているのが現状である。斎藤誠 『新しいマクロ経済学』(ただし、前の版、1996版)はいい本だが、研究本としては使えない。




過去は国際金融を勉強しようと考えていたが、これはマクロ経済学の周辺領域であると考えるようになり、マクロを勉強しなおそうとRamseyモデルからやり 直した。やがて、マクロ経済学を勉強するうちにこれは「(動学的な)一般均衡理論の応用」だと考えるようになり、ミクロ経済学を消費者⇒生産者⇒市場均衡 と順番に勉強しなおした。

そして、ミクロ経済学は「最適化」と「均衡」という2つの要素で構成されていると考え、最適化理論 (Maximum Principle&Dynamic Programming)を勉強し始めた。これら現代経済学の根幹(最適化と均衡)について、簡潔に触れているのがSchelling(1978)本だと 思うようになった。

これはゲーム理論の書籍ではなく、経済と社会現象の見方を論じた社会科学の経典である。もうすぐ日本語訳が出るらしいが、何故30年もの間 翻訳されていない。

個々人の行動の変化がマクロ経済にどのような影響 を与えるのかを、学部ミクロ&マクロの知識でも読み解けるぐらいに簡潔にまとめていきたいし、現実に起こっている経済の均衡を理解するためには社会学や心理学といった周辺領域をも統合化しないといけない。


Tuesday, October 07, 2014























                 過去       現在        未来

(1)ケインズ派       減税実施 ⇒  GDP↑

(2)古典派                    GDP↑  ⇐ 減税実施予定












Thursday, October 02, 2014

Lucky Sevens 777

777 yen! This kind of reaction is called 'representative heuristic'. After a little though, we can find that the probability of 777 occurring is the same as that of 776 occurring, but we people don't think like that. Nothing good will happen...

777円!このような反応は「代表性ヒューリスティクス」と呼ばれている。777が起こる確率は776のそれと同じだが、 我々人はそう考えない。何もいいことなんて起こらない。


こ の度、御嶽山(おんたけさん)の噴火で被害に遭われた方、ご親族の皆さんにお見舞い申し上げます。

偉大な自然に我々は為す術がない。同時に、我々が自然に は常に「リスク」と隣り合わせである、という認識も大事である。福島第一原発然り、広島土砂災害然り、「危険認識」、「リスクヘッジ」ができていな かった、といえなくもない。

阪神淡路大震災から20年も経たないうちに東北の震災を経験し、福島原発の前にもんじゅの事故があったし、 広島の前も奈良・和歌山の土砂災害は記憶に新しい。御嶽山の前も、20年以上前だが雲仙普賢岳があった。デング熱の前は鳥インフルエンザもあったし、この危険も存続中だ。


Calorie and Weight

The relationship between calorie intake and weight. We cannot gain weight to take the amount of calorie necessary for us to live per day.


Jack Ma and the World Future

I saw Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, a Chinese entrepreneur, replying to an interviewer on its IPO, and I wondered how quickly and definitely the world map is changing: China and India are growing fast, whereas Japan and the EU are declining.

Japan's GDP is now one third as much as that of China in terms of US dollar. Moreover, Thompson Reuters predicts some Chinese will win the Nobel Prizes.

I do not worry about that, rather, I hope that the world will less depend on the US politics and culture and that it will be full of variety, though there would not be a legend Jack Ma but for the US market.

Uzawa Passed Away 宇沢去る

Hirofumi Uzawa passed away. He was 86, known as a mathematical economist.

I learned his name at Prof. Drewianka's econ 801, the Hurwics-Uzawa demand theorem and at growth text, the Uzawa-Lucas human-capital model.

I first took his lecture at Doshisha University 2003. He blamed Milton Friedman, his ex Chicago colleague, for his market-oriented economics, but only in this point do I disagree with Prof Uzawa. Rest in Peace.

宇沢教授が亡くなった。86歳。数理経済学者として知られた。私はドレウィアンカ教授の授業で「ハーヴィッツ・宇沢定理」、経済成長論の教科書で「宇沢・ ルーカスモデル」を知った。初めて同志社大で彼の講演を聞いた。同じシカゴ大の同僚ミルトン・フリードマンを批判していた。けど、僕は宇沢氏をこの点で賛 成しない。ご冥福をお祈りいたします。

Friday, September 26, 2014

On 9.11.

Today it has been 13 years since September 11.It was as if it were the promotion of a new movie. I express my sympathy for the victims. Has something changed in the world since ever? Has terror reduced? Has the world been freer? Mubarak, Qaddafi and Kim Jong Il have certainly gone, but the world may have next Mubarak, Qaddafi and Kim Jong Il.

今日で9.11から13年が経つ。新しい映画のプロモーションのようだった。犠牲者になられた方に哀悼の意を表す。あれから世界で何が変わったか。恐怖は 減ったか。世界は自由になったか。ムバラク、カダフィと金正日は確かにいなくなったが、世界は次のムバラク・カダフィ・金正日を迎えているかもしれない。


ア メリカがシリアを空爆する模様だ。自民党は空爆の支援を要請されれば支援するのだろうか。

朝日新聞の批判も結構だが、これが自民党にとって集団的自衛権行 使の隠れ蓑になりはしないか心配である。

シリア空爆はスンニ派イスラム国の米国人殺害に対する報復であるが、シリア空爆がシリアを自由で民主的な国へと後 押しすべきで、果たしてそうなのか疑問だ。

かえってアメリカと世界にリスクを高めはしないか。この点が明らかでない以上、日本は支援すべきではないと考え る。

The US is to bomb Syria; Is Japan going to support the US?

LDP, its ruling party, is now harshly blaming the Asahi Shimbun, the main newspaper, for its false reports, but I am afraid that LDP may have a good chance to keep the Ashahi Shimbun from blaming it for exercising the right to collective defense.

The reason for the US bombard is a retaliation for the Sunni's Islamic State killing two American journalists, but, first of all, the bombing should really help make Syria freer and democratic.

It may rather risk the US and the world. In my view, as it is doubtful, Japan should hesitate to support the US.

On the Islamic State (ISIS)

The Islamic State, ISIS, lures Western young people.

They are looking for their own identity, or who and where they should be; Otherwise, they would never join such an activity.

ISIS comes and whispers, "What did your country do for you? Did you get a good job? good friends? Are you happy with yourself? If you are not, come and join us, and you'll be a warrior..."

Some people feel excluded from the community they belong to and can't find themselves in it.

When I heard of the Scotland independence referendum, I just wonder what a state is, what a nationality is; The key word must be 'identity', which means a feeling or a realization of who we are, and a state is, Benedict Anderson says, an imaginary community where the people can share a common value; Feeling that they have something in common, they realize their own identity.

However, some of them don't feel like that, they may be looking for what they ought to be in another world: Some of them seek themselves in Islamic or Christian Fundamentalism, others in Neo-Nazism or Communist Party. Fighting with ISIS seems to me that it is a kind of battle against ourselves and the modern civilized world where we live.


彼らは自分のアイデンティティ、自分は何者でどこにいるべきかを探している。さもな ければ、こんなことに参加しない。

イスラム国は近づき囁く。「お前の国は何をしてくれたんだ。いい職見つかったか。いい友いるか。自分に満足してい るか。そうでなければ、来ないか。勇戦士になれるぞ。」

自分の所属するコミュニティーから疎外されていると考える人もいるし、そこに自分を見いだせない人 もいる。

私はスコットランド独立の住民投票について聞いたとき、国家とは何か、民族とは何かと思った。キーは「アイデンティティ」に違いない。それは自分が何者であ るかという実感であり、国家とは、ベネディクト・アンダーソンの言う「想像の共同体」、共通の価値を見出す共同体である。人は何か共通のものを持っている と感じる時、初めてアイデンティティを実感する。

しかしながら、そういう実感がなければ、何者であるべきかというものを別の場所で探すかもしれない。ある 者はイスラム・キリスト教原理主義に、別の者はネオナチに自分を探し続ける。イスラム国との戦いとは、我々自身と我々の住む文明社会との戦いにも見えてく る。

On Recent LDP 最近の自民党

LDP (Liberal Democratic Party), the ruling party of Japan, depreciates yen, boosts up exports, and thus can receive a donation from the Japan Business Federation.

On the other hand, while LDP taxes general people, it never taxes Soka Gakkai, a huge Buddhist organization, though it makes as much profit as the major Japanese companies.

The reason is clear: The political party, New Komeito, a son of Soka Gakkai, buys votes by feeding the poor with welfare and becomes a vote-collecting machine for LDP.

LDP's Abenomics is, so to speak, a politics of medieval mercantilism and church (temple). I don't understand the conservatives who applaud them at all.

「自民党」は円安により輸出企業を利して「経団連」から献金を受け取り、庶民に増税し、東証1部上場企業以上に稼ぐ「創価学会」には課税しない。生活保護 で貧乏人から票を買う創価学会の公明党は、自民党にとっては強力な集票マシーンだからだ。アベノミクスとはいわば中世の重商主義と宗教政治である。これを 礼賛する保守の気が知れない。


大 学・短大中退8万人(読売朝2014.9.26)

中途退学(中退)者が7万9千人、全体の2%、その20%が「経済的理由」、30%が「転学」「学業不 振」を根拠に中退。


背景には「大学へ行 けない人が大学へ行っている」ということがあると思っている。

底辺校いわゆる「Fランク校」で教えても皆シラケている。私が教える予備校の生徒の方がはる かに熱心に勉強する。本気で教えるなら、東大・京大か上位の予備校で教えるしかない。日本の大学700校半分に減らし、専門学校へ交付金を回した方がよい かもしれない。

Bombing On Syria and Iraq

The US (and five Middle East countries) started bombing Syria and Iraq to wipe out the Islamic State.

I disagree.

Did the President Obama show any reasonable plan on how to end this bombing? The difficult thing to do in warfare is to end it: On the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, the General Yamamoto thought of ending the war in half year, but he couldn't.

To end that war, the US had to drop two atomic bombs.

My question is, whether the President Obama will take any critical measures equivalent to an atomic bomb. One New York guy replied to the TV, "people would be killed again.." This is an honest, fair and straight reaction. I am afraid whether Mr Abe and his LDP join the war with its end foggy and unpredictable.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Where would be best to be born? どこで生まれるのが最善か

The Economist ranks USA 16th, Japan 25th. Traditionally, the richer the people get, the happier they get. Certainly these top ten countries are also ranked almost top ten in the ranking of GDP per capita.

In this index, there's only one country of G7 ranked top ten, Canada, 9th, and less than half, 15 countries, of the 34 OECD countries in the top twenty.



The Coase Theorem: A Personal View コースの定理:私的な見解

When I was a child, I was very happy to be in my uncle's house. His house is larger than that we lived in and I could run around in his house. Soon I made him angry;"I gave you some tip and go play out". I got it and went out. The Coase Theorem says, "if trade in 'noise' is possible and costs little, it will lead to an efficient outcome regardless of the initial allocation of property." This theorem is applied to Carbon Emission Trading or so and my uncle applied it to me.

子供の頃、叔父の家にいることがとても楽しかった。叔父の家は我々の住む家より大きく、家の中で走り回ることができた。すると、叔父が怒る。「お駄賃やるから外で遊んで来い。」私は了解し、外へ出た。コースの定理によると、「騒音の取引が可能であり、かつその費用がほとんどかからないなら、当初の所有権の配分に関わらずに効率的な取引ができる。」 この定理は排出権取引などに応用され、私の叔父はこれを私に応用したのだ。

On Whaling 捕鯨について

I have never been asked about it, but let me comment a little on it. My opinion is, I don't care. It is Facebook, Line and Twitter, what is called SNS, that seem to play a big role to spread it; Some people on FB or Line watch whales bleeding in the pictures and write, 'Stop It!'. They don't care that cattle are bleeding before they have beef on the table. It's kind of mass psychology: people turn right and you turn right. They look like the Nazis and the Imperial Japan.


A Competitive Society 競争社会について

A competitive society, some people say, makes the people so selfish that they can survive it. However, Ito, Kubota, and Otake (2014) claims, anti-competitive school practice is rather likely to make the students 'selfish' and 'uncooperative'; Competitive society rather makes people more altruistic and cooperative.


Saturday, September 06, 2014

文系の時代  The Time for Humanities

Some people claim that science education is necessary for personal success and state prosperity; Science majors will earn higher than art majors. However, the data (PayScale Inc.) don't read that; Major doesn't matter. Edmund Phelps, a Nobel-prize winner of economics, states that education of history, philosophy and the like is rather important for the 21th century.



Friday, September 05, 2014

Happy To Be Born in Another Family? 別の家庭に生まれて幸せか?

In my opinion, whether you are happy or not cannot be judged by others. It is quite a subjective sense, or a personal view, not an objective one. 

Even though he or she looks happy, he or she is not necessarily happy. Luck is also an important factor for determining life; If I had been born in another family somewhere, I would be much richer and happier, or poorer and more miserable. 

Luck is a given one and no one knows what it is like, but how to use it must depend on us.




Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Restructuring and Finding Jobs リストラと再雇用

As the whole economy goes down, many companies will carry out restructuring. Soon will many go unemployed. 

I don't think it is a bad thing in the market economy, apart from many employees and their families. 

The main problem is whether the unemployed soon find new jobs. If it is difficult for one to find a new job as the other's employment is heavily protected, it must be a serious problem.





『一人あたりの所得水準について日本と韓国を比較した場合、1990年には日本の40.8%しかなかった韓国の一人あたりの所得は2010年には86.7%の水準にまで急上昇、12年、13年はそれぞれ89.1%、89.9%と伸びが緩慢になった。ソウル大学の教授が「韓国経済が現在の成長率のままでは、一人あたりの所得で永遠に日本を超えられない」と嘆いた』 サーチナ 2014/08/31



On Humanity 人間性について

The people of the Islamic State may actually be more humane than those of any other developed society; they may love their family, friends, neighbors and their own country more than anyone. 

Why do I think like that? As I read some psychologists saying that people can be kind as well as offensive to others, I came to think that the Islamic State and the Al-Qaeda are also human beings. 

Of course, I neither forgive nor appreciate them; I deny them all! However, if they are really humane, is just fighting with and killing them the better solution?

イスラム国の連中は実はどの先進国の人々よりも最も人間らしいかもしれない。彼らは家族を、友人を、隣人を、そして自国を誰よりも愛しているかもしれな い。

何でそんなこと考えるのかって。人が親切にもなれ、攻撃的にもなれるという心理学者の意見を目にしたとき、イスラム国やアルカイダもまた人間であると 思ったのだ。

もちろん、私は彼らを許さないし、評価もしない。一切を否定している。しかしながら、もし彼らが本当に慈悲深いのなら、彼らと戦い殺すことが より良い解決策なのだろうか。

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Spence On the Results of Inequality

The consequences of rising income inequality can tempt policymakers down a dangerous path: the use of debt, sometimes combined with an asset bubble, to sustain consumption. This arguably occurred in the 1920s, prior to the Great Depression; it certainly occurred in the US (and Spain and the United Kingdom) in the decade prior to the 2008 crisis.
Read more at http://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/michael-spence-asks-whether-disparities-of-income-and-wealth-help-or-hurt-prospects-for-economic-growth#ltb7vdpduvFMLoWw.99

Thursday, August 28, 2014

On Universal Health Care 皆保険について

In Japan the universal health care, such as Obama Care, was introduced in 1961, and few people oppose this system. 

First of all, the universal care needs compulsory participation, otherwise it will go bankrupt because it will potentially attract the chronically ill (adverse selection). 

The universal care covers all the people, but it means that the money nonsmokers pay can go to the medical treatment for heavy smokers. What's more, as they are insured, they will unlikely take care of their health and they will likely go to hospital in spite of slight cold (moral hazard). 

Thus, the universal care imposes heavy financial burden on people in the form of heavy insurance and tax payment, and this is the very 'headache' the Japanese now suffer. 

To cover and pay all or not to, that is the question.



皆保険はすべての人をカバーするので、禁煙家の支払った金がヘビースモーカーの治療に使われることを意味している。 さらに、保険に入れば、自身の健康管理がおろそかになり、些細な風邪で病院へ行くこともある(モラル・ハザード)。

皆保険は高い保険料と税金という形で重い財政負担を課し、こ れこそがまさに日本人の抱える「頭痛の種」なのである。


靖国参拝 Visiting Yasukuni




私は靖国神社と天皇は日本人をマイン ドコントロールするための装置として機能したと考えている。天皇と日本人を守るための自衛戦争だという人がいるが、なぜ68回もの戦略爆撃に日本人はさら されたのか。もっと早く降参すべきだったが、できなかった。これをどう説明するのか。


We can see people visiting Yasukuni Shrine every summer. 

It is so natural to pay respect to the war dead, but why Yasukuni Shrine? 

The soldiers said on the battle field, 'Shall we meet in Yasukuni?', and were killed, but was it really in their mind? Was it for the Emperor that they died? 

I think that Yasukuni and the Emperor were used to work for controlling Japanese minds. Some say that the aim of the war was to defend the Emperor and the Japanese, but if so, how should the fact that Japan suffered from 68th times of strategic bombing be explained? Japan should have surrendered earlier, but it didn't. How is it explained? 

It can be said that it is kind of laziness and no sense of responsibility of the war leaders who didn't consider the ends that caused the suffering. I don't care whether to visit Yasukuni, but the congress people should have some responsibility to explain why they visit. I feel many of them as lazy and irresponsible as the once war leaders who had no idea of the result of their acts.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Altruistic Punishment

Those who receive charity have their lives improved, but those who provide it also benefit. 

Indeed, one recent study found that spending money on others is more rewarding than spending it on oneself. ...those who donate wealth and time to others tend to be a lot happier in their entire lives than those who do not. The paradoxical finding here is that one great trick to being happy is to forget about being happy and instead try to increase the happiness of others.

This is the flip side of charity. We are motivated to be kind to anonymous others, but we are also motivated to harm those who treat these anonymous others badly. 

The problem that arises is that our gut moral feelings are poorly attuned to consequences. The patterns of charitable donation to foreign countries often have more to do with the salience of news reports than to actual considerations about where the money is most needed. 

And laboratory findings show that people will continue to punish even if they are well aware that doing so is actually making things worse. It is not difficult to see the consequences of this in the real world.

Read more at https://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/the-kindness-of-strangers#fqFBfhc5cFg672iE.99

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Chocolate Intake and Nobel Laureates


The principal finding of this study is a surprisingly powerful correlation between chocolate intake per capita and the number of Nobel laureates in various countries. Of course, a correlation between X and Y does not prove causation but indicates that either X influences Y, Y influences X, or X and Y are influenced by a common underlying mechanism.

Saturday, August 09, 2014

原爆忌と核抑止 Aniversary of A-Bomb and Nuclear Deterrence






Today is the 69th anniversary of Nagasaki's Atomic bomb. 

We now live in the world under the nuclear deterrence, where the power of nations depends on the number of atomic bombs; All the permanent members of the UN Security Council have atomic bombs. 

The tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki should not be repeated, but as we hope so the nuclear deterrence ironically becomes effective; Whereas Hiroshima and Nagasaki are likely to prevent the world from suffering from nuclear war, they can enlarge the influence of the nations with nuclear weapons. 

If Japan attacks New York City, another city of Japan will clearly be added in the list of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That is why no one is thinking of attacking New York City. This is what is called nuclear deterrence, which may be the true reason that the world has never had nuclear war since Hiroshima and Nagasaki suffered. If so, it may be this inconvenient reality that actually makes it much more difficult to abolish nuclear weapons in the world.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Halal ハラル

I shared a room with a guy from Saudi in the US, but he had almost the same things as I had except alcohol and pork.

Halal means 'allowed in Islam' and Muslims should eat things accorded with Halal. In Japan, more restaurants are preparing Halal foods for Muslim tourists.

I am not a Muslim, but when I heard recently that one Chinese factory supplied rotten meat to McDonald's, I may have had some lesson to learn from Halal; Halal foods are not only allowed under Islamic law, but also reportedly processed in a highly hygienic manner to get people to enjoy high nutrition and safety. 

More people seem to care less about what they're eating than in a society where many people lack enough foods. Halal should be rather a start for reconsidering our foods than quite a troublesome culture.


ハラルとはイスラムで許され た、という意味で、イスラム教徒はハラルに則ったものを食さなければならない。日本ではイスラム教徒のためにハラル食を提供するレストランが増えている。


多くの人が、十分な食が得られない社会と比べて何を 食べているか関心を持っていないように見える。ハラルは、とても面倒な文化だというよりも、我々の食事を見直すきっかけであるべきだ。

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Russell On Capitalism


Advocates of capitalism are very apt to appeal to the sacred principles of liberty, which are embodied in one maxim: The fortunate must not be restrained in the exercise of tyranny over the unfortunate.

Bertrand Russelll "Sceptical Essays" (1928) Ch. 13: Ch. 13: Freedom in Society



Natural science is, in the end, the model.

Teacher and Salesperson

Teacher is like a salesperson, rather than an educator or preacher. Teaching may be a fucking suck job, but it is the best way to learn something; To sell something, we should know much of it. I know and understand much more than I used to. Being a blue-collar economist, though tough, may not be so a bad thing, or better than learning from top-tier scholars.


A Life Is Not As Expected


「ルーカス批判」は予測すれば、それが人々の予想に影響し、当初の 予測が外れるという。

量子力学で「シュレーディンガーの猫」が有名である。この解釈としても、箱の中の猫が死んだかどうかはふたを開けてみないと分からな い。


People try to predict the unkown future. 

The Lucas' critique implies, as people predict, which affects themselves, and thus the future will be different than they predicted before. 

The Schrodinger's cat of quantum mechanics also implies, we cannot be sure whether a cat is dead or not in the box. We should open it to know. 

A life is not as is expected.

On Smart Phones

So many students are only looking down at smart phones without a word. My elder colleague grumbled to me about it, "people have made progress, but at the same time it's kind of retrogression; people forget talking then." It seems to me, we get unwilling to talk to each other. Though I am not a good speaker, I may have become a better speaker because I have no smart phone. Hey, put it away and talk to a neighbor without worrying that she gets you wrong, "It's a fine day, isn't it?"


Dixit (1)

An outcome is deemed Pareto efficient if any change that benefits a homeless person on the streets of New York hurts Warren Buffett.

pp54, Avinash Dixit, Microeconomics, Oxford University Press


Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Inherited Wealth and Inequality

Mankiw's article in the NY times, http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/22/upshot/how-inherited-wealth-helps-the-economy.html?smid=pl-share

When a family saves for future generations, it provides resources to finance capital investments, like the start-up of new businesses and the expansion of old ones. Greater capital, in turn, affects the earnings of both existing capital and workers.

Because capital is subject to diminishing returns, an increase in its supply causes each unit of capital to earn less. And because increased capital raises labor productivity, workers enjoy higher wages. In other words, by saving rather than spending, those who leave an estate to their heirs induce an unintended redistribution of income from other owners of capital toward workers.

The bottom line is that inherited wealth is not an economic threat. Those who have earned extraordinary incomes naturally want to share their good fortune with their descendants. Those of us not lucky enough to be born into one of these families benefit as well, as their accumulation of capital raises our productivity, wages and living standards.

Why do (does Prof.Mankiw think) parents leave bequests to their children?

(1) Inter-generational Altruism
(2)Consumption Smoothing
(3)Regression toward the Mean

There's no strategic bequest motive.

On Japan's Military Shift

Japan should make more effective use of its military. This is not only Mr Abe's, but also Mr Obama's hope. I would ask some Japanese who worry about whether Japan will be able to join or not when the US wages war again, what if Japan is attacked by missiles? Previous Japan could do nothing but ask help for Uncle Sam.

Not only China’s rise, but Japan’s own fall, North Korea's nuclear threat and a deterioration of American dominance have changed the Asian situations. American officials spent years in secret talks about what kind of facilities in Japan would be available to them in any conflict with North Korea..The Obama administration said, we welcome Japan’s actions, adding that we will aid the country’s armed forces to “do more within the framework of our alliance.The NY Times(01/07/2014)

Even if there is no alliance with the US, more or less, Japan should use its military when it or its friends are attacked. Any talk will not help.

日本はもっと効果的に軍事力を使うべきである。これは、安倍首相の願いではなく、オバマ大統領の願いでもある。アメリカが戦争をしたとき日本が参加するか どうか心配する日本人に聞きたいのは、では日本が攻撃されたときどうするのかである。今までの日本はアメリカに助けを乞うことしかできなかった。

東アジアは中国の台頭だけではなく、北朝鮮の核の脅威、日本の停滞、アメリカの支配力の低下によっても変わって来ている。アメリカ当局は、日本において、 北朝鮮と何らかの衝突が起こった時にどのような軍事が可能かどうか何年もの間秘密裏に議論してきた。オバマ政権は、「日本の対応を歓迎する。同盟関係の中 で我々アメリカが自衛隊により多く支援することができるようになる。」と言った。


Women Should Do Housework?

Women should do housework? Men should work outside? Which more replies yes, Japanese or American and Britain? 

Among young people aged 13-29, GMI and Cabinet Office of Japan, pollsters, asked, do you agree or not? 

26.9% of Americans and 25.5% of British say yes, whereas 22.3% Japanese yes. However, 59.6% of Americans and 61.3% of British say no, whereas 38.7% Japanese no.

女は家で働き、男は外で働くべきか? 日本人と英米人、どちらがイエスと答えたか。13歳から29歳までの若者の間で、内閣府とGMI社が調査した。26.9% のアメリカ人と25.5%のイギリス人がイエスと答え、22.3%の日本人がイエスと答えた。 しかし、59.6%のアメリカ人と 61.3%のイギリス人はノー, 38.7%の日本人がノーと答えた。

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Problem Students

Mayor Hashimoto, whose comment was once said to be outrageous and offensive by the Department of the States of the US, advocates sending problem students to a rehabilitation class. School teachers are always forced to be criticized for imposing physical punishment on their students or for not improving their students' performances, and are now very careful of treating their students. For teachers to teach classes regularly and for students to attend classes safe, bad students have to be sent to another class. This can be needed, above all, for bad students.

橋下市長は、そのコメントがアメリカ国務省により攻撃的でアウトレイジだと言われているが、問題児を更生教室へ送ることを主張している。学校の先生は常に 生徒への体罰や生徒の成績が上がらないことに対して批判にさらされ、生徒の扱いに大変慎重だ。教師が通常に授業が運営できるように、また生徒が安全に授業 が受けられるように、悪い生徒は別の教室に送られる必要がある。これは、何よりも、悪い生徒のために必要な事だろう。


Kathy Matsui of Goldman Sachs says, if the labor participation rate of women could be raised to that of men, the GDP growth could be raised 15 percent. While the labor population is aging and shrinking, women are needed to keep the society sustainable. CEOs and companies tend to be applauded for accepting women as their top-ranking positions. However, it is true that someone has to play the roles that a woman has ever done before. Housework is the one. It is never counted as GDP growth, but necessary for us. I hear women should be free from housework, but I don't think every woman should take part in the labor market. Any policies should be necessary to get women able to work in the marketplace as they want to.

ゴールドマンサックスのキャッシ―松井さんは、女性の労働参加率が男性のそれに近づけば、GDP成長率が15%上がるという。労働人口が老齢化・縮小化す る中で、社会を 持続可能ならしめるには女性が必要だ。会社社長や企業は女性を重要な役職に受け入れれば称賛される傾向にある。しかし、これまで女性が担ってきた役割を誰 かがしないといけないのは事実だ。 家事もその一つ。GDPには計上されないが必要なものだ。女性を家事から解放すべきだと聞こえるが、全ての女性が労働市場に参加すべきだとは思わない。働 くことを望む女性が働くことができるような施策が必要である。

Toilet Papers and Global Warming

In the US I found that American people were really consuming a lot. Here's the example: paper towel (Left). Every public lavatory has this paper towel and I saw people using a lot. In contrast, it seems to me we usually use 'hand drier' (I asked TOTO what it is and they replied 'clean dry'). Paper towel is, an epidemiologist says, an effective way to stop bacteria from breeding and so is hand drier. While paper towel consumes a lot of paper, hand drier needs a lot of power. My question is, which is reasonable for preventing global warming?

アメリカで私はアメリカ人が本当にたくさん消費すると感じた。例えば、紙タオル。各公衆便所についていて、人々がたくさん使っている。対して、日本では 「ハンドドライヤー」が使われているような気がする。(私はTOTOに何ていうのか聞いたら、「クリーンドライ」と返した。)紙タオルは、疫学者によれ ば、バクテリアの繁殖を抑える有効な方法で、ハンドクリーナーもそうである。 紙タオルはたくさんの紙を消費するが、ハンドドライヤーはたくさんの電気を消費する。私の疑問は、どちらが地球温暖化防止に妥当なのか、ということ。

Women Magazines and Stock Prices

Stock prices will likely go down, stockbrokers say, when women's magazines take a topic of personal finance. AneCan says, "A Woman Strong in Money is Strong!", FRaU says, "Will Be a Woman Strong in Money!"


Friday, June 13, 2014

On Immigration 移民について

Yesterday watching the news on TV that reported that Mr Abe would welcome immigrants hereafter, I said to myself that I was for immigrants coming into Japan. Soon my mom replied she was against that. I think that Mr Abe's proposal is so reasonable that Japan will keep its labor force from decreasing, while many Japanese also get worried that more immigrants will rob Japanese of their jobs.

The government, on the other hand, is struggling to have parents raise more children by introducing tax deduction or something, but it's not always easy for working couples to have more children. Immigrants, in contrast, can soon learn to speak its language and likely to work harder. My mom asked, "what if a Chinese newcomer robbed you of your job?" And I replied, "if my students like him or her better, I am happy to leave."



On School 学校について

I have never been to good school. My high school, university, graduate school were all modest. Well, that means I was not a good student...

What I guess at while going round teaching schools is that eight or nine in ten students performing well are the ones of good school. Teaching good students is very beneficial to me because they care a lot and work hard.

On the other hand, students of modest school are modest as well. First of all, they are not proud of being there. I understand it well and it's the culture of such schools. Of course I can see good students in such schools, but it's quite rare. I understand that many parents want their children to go to good school. However, it's true that even good school never guarantees their success. Good people will succeed. Alas, let bygones be bygones. My conclusion is, school doesn't matter.


私はいい学校へ行ったことがない。高校、大学、大学院すべて中堅クラスだ。それは、つまり、私がよい生徒ではなかったということ。学校で教えていて思うのは、出来のいい学生の8,9人はいい学校の学生だ。 いい生徒を教えることは私にとって非常に有益である。 何故ならよく気を遣うし努力するからだ。

一方で、 中堅クラスの生徒は中堅クラスだ。彼らはそこにいることを誇りに思っていない。それはよくわかるし、そのような学校の文化である。もちろん、そんな学校でもいい生徒はいるが、本当に稀である。親が子供にいい学校に行ってほしいと思うのは分かる。しかし、 そんないい学校であっても子供の成功を決して保証しないことは事実だ。 いい人が成功するのだ。まあ、過去のことは水に流そうよ。結論は、学校なんて関係ない。

On Hiroshima and Emperor System  広島と天皇制

A political scientist Thomas Schelling once reasoned that Hiroshima had played a part to keep the long peace since WW2. The Emperor System, on the other hand, is thought to play almost the same part within the country. In this point there can be one thing that these two have in common: it is something that leads a pack of people into unity and order. It may be called 'fear' or something I don't know for sure. It is certainly by learning fear that we can learn nobility, importance of love, and how short life really is. No one is more scarey than those who don't know fear at all.


On Power Saving  節電について

Saving power has already been a big issue, especially since the Meltdown in Fukushima. If you are asked to save electricity, which slogan do you think works best or least?

1) Protect the Environment by Conserving Energy
2) Do Your Part to Conserve Energy for Future Generations
3) Save Money by Conserving Energy
4) Join Your Neighbors in Conserving Energy
(Levitt & Dubner, THINK LIKE A FREAK) 

Well, it may be too much to say that this goes well for your business, but in my experience asking differently will certainly make a big difference.


節電はすでに大きな課題であり、特に福島の事故からそうである。 もし節電を要求されたら、どの標語が最も効果的または効果がないだろうか。

4)みんな節電していますよ   ( レビット・ダブナーの最新刊から)


Saturday, June 07, 2014

On Gun Control 銃規制について

Yesterday's Yomiuri evening newspaper (04/06/2014) caught my eye: The root cause of Japan's being a gun-free society can be, a 400-year-ago military dictator, Hideyoshi Toyotomi.

In Japan no one shall possess guns and swords. Japan is said to be one of the safest societies in the world (Global Peace Index says Japan is 6th out of 162 countries). Dave Kopel of University of Denver says, "Hideyoshi decreed 'Sword Hunt' to ban possession of swords by lower classes. Since then Japanese people have been thinking that control can protect themselves and their society (Taro translates)."

I hear that fewer guns fewer crimes and it seems to me that Japanese people never doubt but believe it blindly, though it can't be cleared statistically. At any rate, I do not want to see people being killed with guns and I believe it's only we ourselves that can make our society safe and peaceful.

Postscript: Hideyoshi Toyotomi struggled to invade the Korean Peninsula and killed hundreds of Korean people. I do not think that he was a pacifist.


日本では銃や刀を所持してはならない。日本は世界で最も安全な国だと言われている。(ある指標では162か国中第6位で安全だという) デンバー大学のデイヴィッド・コペル氏は「秀吉は下級の人々の刀の所持を禁止する『刀狩り』を行った。それ以来日本人は規制が自分たちとその社会を守ることができると考えてきた」

銃がなくなれば犯罪が減ると言うが、統計学的に明らかでないのに、日本人はそれを信じて疑わおうとしない。 いずれにせよ、 人が銃で殺されるのは見たくないし、社会を安全で平和にできるのは我々だけだと、僕は思う。


Monday, May 26, 2014

On Econ Empirics


Noah Smith proposes that economics be taught empirically with much more data. I agree.

In physics the trajectory of a ball thrown in the air can always be predicted with a quadratic curve, whereas in economics the price of milk cannot always be predicted. Some people say, this is the reason why economics is an immature science.
Physics seems to have a power of explanation in this point and teachers should teach econ empirically. However, only with data cannot we tell good econ theory from bad one, nor can we eliminate any political ideology or psychological bias.

The result drawn from the regression is quite hard to read and is always open to dispute. There's much room for biases. We need data when we study econ and I agree, but it's always difficult, not easy, to collect the correct data set and to read the results. That's why there are always disagreements and conflicting views even when experts of econ theory discuss the same econ issue.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Japanese Economy Is Dynamically Inefficient 日本経済は動学的非効率

The Japanese economy is more likely to be dynamically inefficient, which means that the capital stock has been over-accumulated. For the Japanese people to get better off, the capital stock should be decreased.

MPK-δ<g ・・・・・(1)

MPK-δ: Real return to capital stock (Marginal product of capital - depreciation rate)
g: Economic growth rate(growth rate of real GNI)

日本経済は動学的に非効率で、資本ストックが過剰に蓄積されている。 日本人がより高い効用を得るためには、資本ストックを減らしていかなければならない。

MPK-δ<g ・・・・・(1)


Saturday, May 17, 2014

Collective Self Defense 集団的自衛権

Mr. Abe tries to re-interpret the Japan's Constitution that prohibits having armed forces to have the right to collective self-defense, or to retaliate for an ally under armed attack. It's because it is very difficult for him to amend the Constitution.

I do not think many people understand him. As one political scientist says, Mr Abe should call a general election to ask if Japan should amend the Constitution, and have the right to collective self-defense. That is a true process of parliamentary democracy representing the will of the people in a free and open manner.


Friday, May 16, 2014



Thursday, May 15, 2014



これを(1+0.0143)×(1+0.0143)×(1+0.0143)×(1+0.0143)=1.0584、すなわち年率換算して 5.9%となる。

6連続四半期プラス成長で、不況の定義が「2連続4半期マイナス成長」なので、今の日本は「景気がいい」となる。日経平均も下がってる し、実感ないのが正直なところ。

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

On Friend and Facebook

A friend is not one who always agrees with you, nor one who always cares you. I believe that a friend is one with whom you can always agree, or one whom you can always care. In my sense, facebook people are neither friends nor nonfriends, but just the ones with whom you share facebook.


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

On Behind Hate Speech

The quarterly estimate of Japan's GDP Jan-March 2014 will soon be released and it is expected to be going up. On the other hand, people's mindset doesn't seem to change little: They refrain from spending and worry about job loss.

What's worse, the press spreads the view that decreasing younger population decreases people's future standard of life, for which there's no clear theoretical or empirical evidence, and makes people worry even further.

In such an atmosphere, some people come insisting on the need to exclude Korean and Chinese residents and to restrict immigration. Basically they are not worth listening to, but it seems to me that there are a lot of people frustrated or bored with their life behind such a hate speech, and I am needlessly afraid that it will gradually escalate into an unexpected disturbance somewhere unexpected.




Saturday, May 10, 2014

On First Lady ファーストレディー

Yesterday the Prime Minister's wife Akie Abe confessed in her facebook, "a woman's life will depend on whom she marries", and caught many people's attention.

I recall Ms. Hillary Clinton: She took a vacation with her husband Bill Clinton and met her old boyfriend at the gas station. Ms.Hillary smirked and said, "if I had stayed with him, he would have been the President of the United States."

Though it is not clear whether the above story is true, Ms.Akie, as is a traditional lady, can be said to be more modest and less bold than Ms.Hillary. At any rate, it can also be said that a man's life will depend on whom he marries. 


ヒラリー・クリントン女史のことを思い出した。彼女の夫のビル・クリントンと休暇をとっているときに、 ガソリンスタンドで女史の昔の恋人に出会った。ヒラリー女史はにんまりしながら「もし、彼と一緒なら、彼がアメリカ大統領よ」と吐いた。


Friday, May 09, 2014

On Gun Control 銃規制について

One guy made guns with 3D printer and was caught on suspicion of violating firearms control law. Some of the guns he made seem to have lethal potential, but he didn't think it was against the law.

I recalled the incidence of Virginia Tech and one Japanese guy, Mr Hattori, killed in Halloween night. These were all gun-related tragedies, but not caused by gun itself, but by criminals. This suspected guy says, if we met a bear in the forest, we would fire at it and, in the same way, if a girl met violence, she could fire to protect herself. However, it is not clear whether he will truly protect girls from violence.

Hearing the violence, I feel it is better for women to have guns to protect themselves though it is illegal to have guns here. Someone says, swimming in the pool is dangerous than having guns. But we can say whether to prevent crimes depends not on whether to have guns, but on how to use guns. I doubt whether people use guns properly.

銃規制について。ある男が3Dプリンターで銃を作成し、銃刀法違反容疑で警察に逮捕された。 彼の作成した銃の一部は殺傷能力があり、違法ではないと思っていたという。

ヴァージニア工科大学の事件やハロウィーンに殺された服部氏の件を思い出す。これらは銃に関連する悲劇ではあったが、 銃そのものが引き起こしたのでなく犯罪者によるものであった。容疑をかけられた男性は、クマに出会えば発砲するように、女性が暴行に会えば、身を守るため発砲するだろうという。しかし、容疑者が本当に女性を守るつもりであったかは不明だ。

ここでは銃を所持することは違法だが、女性の暴力を耳にすると、銃を持った方がよい気がする。 誰かが言うように、プールで泳ぐ方が銃を持つより危険だと。 しかし、犯罪を防ぐかどうかは、銃を持っているかどうかではなく、その使い方次第だ。 人々がうまく銃を使うかどうか私は疑問だ。

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

On Tourists  観光客

Yesterday I walked downtown in Osaka City and saw many, many tourists from abroad. I heard Chinese and some English spoken there. 

I saw one middle aged couple speaking German and taking photos of a dirty street and a shopping mall, and then I wondered what and where they found interesting. 

Tourists usually find interesting what we do not usually think interesting. If I were a tourist, I would probably seek what I have in common in different places, and so would they.





Tuesday, May 06, 2014

On Gary S Becker From Obituaries

Chicago Tribune  04/05/2014 In 1992, (Gary) Becker won the Nobel Prize, “for having extended the domain of microeconomic analysis to a wide range of human behavior and interaction, including non-market behavior.”

“He just pushed economics in so many different directions,” said (Kevin) Murphy, who collaborated with Mr. Becker in research on human capital, education, addiction and the economics of the family.

“He believed that economics was helpful to understanding and improving people’s lives and that’s how he did his research and that’s how he taught.”

Bloomberg  04/05/2014
In a May 2009 post, Becker said the Republican Party had created a “crisis in conservatism” by focusing increasingly on social and military issues.

“I believe that the best way to restore the consistency and attractiveness of the conservative movement,” he wrote, “is for modern conservatism to return to its roots of skepticism toward governmental actions,” which would mean “more flexible approaches toward hot-button issues like gays in the military, gay marriage, abortions, stem-cell research.”

In July 2004, he wrote: “Along with many others of my generation, I was a socialist when I started my university studies.

But my first few economics courses taught me the power of competition, markets, and incentives, and I quickly became a classical liberal. That means someone who believes in the power of individual responsibility, a market economy, and a crucial but limited role of government.” 

Among his findings: welfare payments to unmarried mothers in the U.S. discouraged marriage and encouraged fertility among poorer women.

He extended his theory of rational behavior to criminals, looking at how they might balance the benefits of a successful heist against the risk of capture and punishment.

He said his interest in crime stemmed from his own experience in New York City, weighing whether he should risk a ticket by parking illegally.

WSJ  04/05/2014
 "Along with others, I have tried to pry economists away from narrow assumptions about self interest. Behavior is driven by a much richer set of values and preferences."

Postscript 10/05/2014
For more information on Prof Gary Becker


渡辺淳一さん 享年80歳


恋人の看護師の自宅へ押しかけ警察沙汰になった騒動(阿川 佐和子氏との対談で事実だと認めていました)を小説にする一方で、野口英世や医学を描いた作品もあります。

文章も読みやすく綺麗で繊細で、理想的な(女か らすると男の妄想でしょうが)女性、大概着物で登場するが、大好きです。渡辺先生、さようなら。

On Human Capital 人的資本について

Human Capital is three-fourths, or so, of the wealth in the United States, and the value of human capital did not seem to have been much affected by the stock market (1987) crash. The Age of Human Capital, Gary S. Becker

That means, the economic activities are mainly made from individual skills, experiences, ideas, and health, and that being glad and sad by changes in stock prices doesn't make sense. May he rest in peace.




Saturday, May 03, 2014

On the Japanese Constitution and the Nobel Peace Prize 日本国憲法とノーベル平和賞

Japan has never fought with any other country in the world since the end of WW2. This is because the Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution prohibits Japan from having military forces and the USA is supposed to protect Japan instead due to the Security Treaty of 1960. That means that the US citizens bleed for Japan in exchange for Japan's disarming, and there's great possibility that the Treaty has maintained the peace in the East Asia for 69 years.

However, some Japanese think that it is rather the Japanese Constitution that has kept this long peace, and one woman is appealing to the Nobel Committee to nominate the Japanese Constitution as the candidate of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Those who believe that only the Japanese Constitution has worked for the peace seem to me so naive and so ignorant that they will not understand the real power politics. They will not gain any support from many people all over the world. Mr Abe struggles to strengthen Japan's forces and causes fear in part, but first of all, Japanese people have to note that they have luck to enjoy peace and that they may forget that peace cannot be maintained without any kind of sacrifice.

日本は第2次大戦後世界のどの国とも戦争をしていない。これは憲法第9条が日本の武装を禁止し、安全保障条約によって、アメリカが日本を代りに守ることに なっているからである。すなわち、日本の武装解除と引き換えにアメリカ市民が血を流すということであり、この条約が69年もの間東アジアの平和を維持して きたと考えられる。


日本国憲法だけが平和に貢献してきたと信じる 人々が、私には実際の力による政治を理解しないとても無邪気で無知な人たちに思える。世界中の人々からは何ら支持を取り付けることはないだろう。安倍首相 が日本の武力を強化し、これが一部に不安を招いているが、まず第一に日本人は平和を享受する幸運に恵まれていることと、 平和があらゆる犠牲なしには維持できないことを忘れているかもしれないことを認識しなければならない。

Monday, April 28, 2014

On Self-Employed 自営業について

In a modern industrial society, many people choose private or public organizations to work for and few people choose to be 'self-employed'. Certainly the earnings are not stable and 'being self-employed' may sound insecure.

However, from the long-run perspective, industrial economies are going to shrink and we'll never see the Golden Age after WW2 again. As in a 100-year-ago village, 'being self-employed' will be a possible option, or, rather we will not be able to live comfortably in our office and will be required to be 'self-employed'.

